
black disc hole

Black hole Recently re-analyzed by astronomers at the California Institute of Technology, it has managed to surprise them with an incredible phenomenon that has been happening repeatedly for some time. According to astronomers who closely observed what is happening to this black hole, it would have light that “escapes” to the universe in the form of a boomerang, not in the “normal” form that has been observed for other objects of this type. that exists in the cosmos now.

Black hole it has a star next to it, and together they form a body known as XTE J1550-564, the phenomenon that occurs there is a real mystery to astronomers. The black hole has a mass about 10 times greater than that of the sun, and is located at a distance of 17,000 kilometers from Earth, the star near it is at a very short distance, and this has made the discoveries possible now. .

THE INCREDIBLE Black hole that completely amazed astronomers

Black hole it has visible light on the accretion disk and sometimes “escapes” to the universe, but instead of leaving directly from this disk, it is dragged toward the center of the object and then reflected by the disk into the universe. Astronomers describe this phenomenon as a boomerang, and for a black hole they have never seen anything like this, at least not until now, so we are talking about a premiere that says a lot about this very large object.

“Usually what we study is the light that comes from that gas. And it jumps out of this spiraling disk into the black hole. Normally, the team studies the light that comes from that corona and hits the disk, it jumps and then it comes to our telescopes. It’s something I’ve been studying for a long time. What I found, which was predicted in the 1970s, is that you can see the light coming from the disk bent towards itself. “

Black hole Having this incredible phenomenon at its center could help astronomers discover how fast these large objects move from which they normally “escape” nothing. Depending on the amount of light escaping into the universe, even through the boomerang phenomenon, astronomers can calculate how fast a black hole spins, which would be the first time because it has not been calculated in any way so far. .

Black hole In which this phenomenon was discovered, astronomers monitored it many years ago, so a “cooler” dataset could reveal more about the situation.
