The horror of Ghimpați. How Sabina met her executioner. Where does the gasoline come from, whose suitcase burned?


I remind you that on October 30, several drivers noticed a fire in a field on the side of the Giurgiu road. The flames had engulfed a purple troller / suitcase containing the body of a woman.

Forensics and forensics were able to identify and establish the cause of death: 32-year-old Sabina Mihaela Mircea had died of injuries sustained, with fists, legs and a sharp object. The blows had been applied on October 30, around 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm, about four hours before the fire was discovered.

After 3 weeks of investigation, the prosecutors of the Public Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Giurgiu Court proposed (and obtained) the arrest of three people, Alexandru Giani Dinu and the sisters Elena and Silvia / Samira Constantin, aged 21, 26 and 24, respectively. .

That’s what you knew, and now let me guide you through the labyrinth of this tragedy, through the misery Sabina experienced before leaving this world that never offered her anything. Fear not, it’s just words and pictures, but I have to warn you that I can affect you emotionally!


Until the spring of this year, when COVID changed everyone’s life, Sabina had an ugly life. However, after the declaration of the pandemic, it got even worse. When leaving the house of her mother, a teacher separated from her husband, the woman gave birth to a child, transferred in documents to a Turk who, in exchange for a small allowance, can stay and live in Romania.

The 8-year-old boy is now in the care of the state, but since the beginning of this year he had been abandoned in Pantelimon, in the house of an ex-boyfriend of Sabina, a house where the “ex” does not even live. long time.

Through these pseudo relatives it was learned that Sabina worked as a dancer in a club in the Center of the Capital. The club closed when the pandemic hit.

Hence the first information that led to the perpetrators of the horrendous event that ensured the opening of newsletters in recent weeks.

At the club, Sabina was a partner of Silvia Constantin, who carried the nickname Samira, much more exotic than the name chosen at the christening.

Pantelimon’s family knew from a suspicious message received in the summer that after the club closed, the woman was working in an erotic massage parlor, but it is hard to believe that she can work on alert.

COVID is a huge curtain that has been dropped on many businesses, and the few sexual pleasures allowed by law have also closed. So they moved underground.

Trafficking in persons? Probably

Hogar ”for Sabina meant a two-room apartment, rented in Aleea Livezilor, in the middle of the Ferentari ghetto.

Samira’s mother and sister and the five youngest children of the Constantin sisters already lived here. Giani, the lover of one of them, joins all these souls. In the current hearings, Giani is the concubine of Samira and Elena. Your business!

Sabina was consequently the 10th person to live there.

As the prosecutors confirmed in an official statement, Sabina practiced prostitution.

He attracted his customers through advertisements on specialized sites.

Heard after the crime, the three admit that the money received from Sabina’s clients was the only income that entered the house. Was it offered voluntarily, as payment for the miserable accommodation, or was it taken away, as in any definition of pimping and human trafficking?

It is a question for which there is still no answer and the chief prosecutor of the Giurgiu County Prosecutor’s Office said that no statement has yet appeared confirming that Sabina was forced by those in the house to practice prostitution.

However, the testimonies are related to the violence to which Sabina was subjected in Livezilor’s apartment. Everyone now says that the woman was beaten by others. The reasons are not clear, jealousy, domestic fights, it is not clear. It is also unclear why Sabina did not leave, because, according to Samira’s testimonies, her former co-worker did not return to Pantelimon because she had been beaten there. Why did she choose between staying “two beats” to stay where she was and separated from her son? It is a secret in the grave.

The fateful day

This brings us to October 30. That night, according to the three detainees, it was learned that Sabina had sexually abused one of the minors in the house. That’s a lie? Most likely, yes, because it seems like an invention to justify the violence that followed. The reason for the fatal beating was certainly different.

They admit that they beat the woman with fists and legs and with the knives of a knife. The latter allegedly produced traces on Sabina’s skull.

Then, they say, they let her go, but promised to report her to the police for child abuse.

They also claim (I feel obliged to repeat that these are not judicial truths established by the investigation) that Sabina drank from a bottle of insecticide and died.

Here it should be remembered that doctors have determined that the cause of death is trauma. Laboratory tests have been carried out, including to detect traces of insecticide, but these tests have not yet reached the prosecution table.

In addition, an element still unexplained is whether the mother of the Constantin sisters was in the house when the tragedy occurred.

Trollerul mov

We are approaching the time when Sabina’s horror would become a national issue.

With the body in the house, the three of them began to make plans on how to dispose of the body. They say they were afraid of not believing that the woman had committed suicide and of being charged with murder.

They decided to take the body out of the house in a suitcase. The most suitable was a purple Samira troller.

Before leaving home with the gloomy cargo, they went out and filled a bottle of gasoline at a gas station. That means they had made a plan to burn their bodies.

Then they left with Samira’s Volkswagen Black Pass to find a place to dump their suitcase. They chose the field of Ghimpați at random. They set fire and fled immediately.

After written: I tried to confirm some information in a discussion with Marius Dragulin, Elena Constantin’s lawyer. He did not want to give us any information, but he told us that the detainees admitted only part of the accusations against them and that, as public defender, he will ensure that his client receives legal treatment.
