The Health Minister does not expect the number of cases to increase after the holidays, but is preparing the expansion of the ATI sections


Health Minister Nelu Tătaru says he is preparing an expansion of the ATI sections after this holiday period. He asked hospital administrators to assess the intensive care units and report the need for beds. Even if hospitals are suffocated, the minister hopes that after the holidays the number of cases will not increase and we will remain stagnant.

Intensive therapies are what give a certain forecast for the future at this time, says Minister Nelu Tătaru in an interview for Digi24.

“If we have about 1255 cases in intensive care, of which 439 are intubated, the other beds are beds in which we can do intermediate therapy or actually prepare these beds for intensive therapy. The discussions I had with the managers of the hospitals in Bucharest, with the heads of the ATI departments were precisely in this context, in order to prepare the ATI departments with what is necessary and its extension, if necessary, for the holidays “Said Nelu. Tătaru.

Managers must present an evolution of intensive care cases in the last two months and a forecast for the next few months, taking into account transmission in the respective communities, explained the Minister of Health.

Currently, there are about 1,560 beds in COVID intensive care units, fully equipped, but each hospital must carry out an assessment of the existing pathology in the hospital, based on the fact that from the seventh to the tenth day and the average cases can become critical.

On the other hand, the minister says that currently there is no real intermediate therapy and that is why the reported number of those in ATI is so high. Advocates for a correct assessment of patients and for finding the space and resources for an intermediate therapy, properly equipped.

Holidays are periods that must be viewed with caution, but between December 15 and January 15 elective interventions (chronic pathologies) are reduced, which allows expanding the number of beds in ATI, due to the fact that the non-COVID sector it is less in demand during this period. , showed Nelu Tătaru.

Health Minister calls for closer monitoring of compliance

Asked if it is expected that after the holidays we will have 10,000 cases of COVID a day or even more, the minister replied: “No, we hope that in compliance with the rules that have been imposed since the beginning of this pandemic.” mask, spacing, disinfectant – and compliance by each locality with the regulations imposed according to the transmission in the community, in order to maintain this plateau, even with a decrease in the number of cases in January. And in the context in which the vaccine will appear, it will lead to a decrease in the number of cases, ”said the Minister of Health.

Noting that many European states have taken very tough measures for the holidays, the minister said that in Romania some have already been taken in the autumn – closing schools, for example – and the Romanian authorities continue to favor the idea of ​​adapting the restrictions to each locality. to the extent that there is strong community transmission. “We hope that compliance with some rules will give us the measure of a plateau that we will maintain,” said Nelu Tătaru.

“There are rules that must be followed, just as there are rules that must be followed. Here, I believe that both the local authorities and the police authorities should evaluate more or be more present so that these norms are respected,” said the Minister of Health .

The minister states that the situation has also improved in the DSPs, including in Bucharest, thanks to the influx of volunteers, students, residents and investigations are ongoing.

What should Romanians do during the holidays?

“Let’s keep the same precautions to hope that next year we have normal vacations, it depends only on us”, is the message of the Minister of Health for the next period. Nelu Tătaru points out that the restrictions for restaurants and private events are maintained, and those who organize house parties should bear in mind that anyone who is not part of the family can be potentially infected.

“Holidays are intimate moments for each one of us, for each family. Let’s save these moments, but with certain restrictions: we have guests from outside, keeping a mask, a distance, a disinfectant that must exist. This year will be different, there are also some different holidays, ”the minister stressed.

Belgium, for example, has made some recommendations: that only one person can be invited on vacation. “We are not in this sentence, but I think we must understand that maintaining some recommendations also means reducing the risk of contagion,” says Minister Tataru, who recommends that meetings with people we have not known for a long time or with those with whom we have not we had contact and we do not know what environments they come from, what areas of focus are the fewest possible.

“It is also up to us what the holidays will be like and what will follow after the holidays and how we will have it next year,” said Nelu Tătaru.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
