The heads of the IPJ Bacău and the Onești Police, replaced from their positions after taking hostages that resulted in the death of two people.


Interior Minister Lucian Bode announced that the head of the IPJ Bacău and his deputy as well as the One jefeti Police Chief and his deputy will be replaced after taking hostages on Monday, resulting in the death of two people.

Bode also announced the notification of the prosecution for negligence in the charge.

“The most difficult thing to accept is that, after some interactions with some structures of the Interior Ministry, we have not managed to save the lives of some people in danger,” the minister said at a press conference.

Bode said that in command of the IPJ Bacău was the deputy of the unit, who traveled late to the place, “minimizing the importance of the event.

The leadership of LEI Bacău did not allocate sufficient resources, because it did not take into account the seriousness of the situation, the minister said.

Regarding the leadership of the Oneşti Police, the minister said that they ignored the threats made in the past by the attacker. Likewise, communication with the perpetrator of the hostage-taking, before the arrival of the negotiator, was defective, “which contributed to accentuate the state of irascibility,” added the minister.

“The measures taken on the ground were deficient. The Oneşti Police leadership did not adequately treat the negotiator’s requests, ”added Bode.

He also said that the intervention forces were properly equipped, but acted badly.

“The main deficiency was the poor relationship between the control factors,” he said.

Two workers renovating an apartment in Onești, Bacău county, were killed Monday night by the former owner, Gheorghe Moroșan, 68, upset at being evacuated. The police opened fire to enter the apartment where the attacker was holding the two men hostage, after negotiations between the attacker and the police failed.

He stabbed the two workers. one of them died on the spot and the other later died in hospital.

The police intervened by force and fired several shots. The assailant also arrived at the hospital. He has multiple gunshot wounds to the hands, feet, abdomen.

He was transferred from Oneşti Municipal Hospital to Bacău County Emergency Hospital (SJU) on Wednesday after his health deteriorated.

The wife of Gheorghe Moroșan, the man who took hostages and later killed two workers in Onești, was arrested for 30 days.

Moroșan had four criminal convictions for theft, bodily injury and driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. But the Bacău police did not believe that he would turn violent and implement the threat to kill the two men.

Editing: Monica Bonea
