The head of the European Commission thanked Bucharest in Romanian for the help provided to the Republic of Moldova


Ursula von der Leyen congratulated and thanked Romania for its help to the Republic of Moldova in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

“I am grateful to Romania for sending almost 2 million items of medical equipment, such as masks and gloves, to the Republic of Moldova, through the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism. A beautiful gesture of European solidarity,” wrote Ursula von der Leyen, on Twitter.

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Maia Sandu: We have the support of the EU countries to access the vaccine

On Friday, the Republic of Moldova took over the free humanitarian aid offered by Romania, consisting of medical and protective equipment to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

The humanitarian aid, totaling about 2.3 million euros (more than 48 million Moldovan lei), consists of 1.5 million surgical masks, 100,000 FFP3 masks, 100,000 overalls, 100,000 disposable gloves, according to a statement from press published on the website of the Presidency of the Republic of Moldova.

The public ceremony for the delivery of humanitarian aid took place in the Great Square of the National Assembly in Chisinau and was broadcast live on the Facebook page of the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu.

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The event was also attended by the Acting Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Aureliu Ciocoi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania, Bogdan Aurescu, the Secretary of State of the Romanian Ministry of the Interior Raed Arafat, the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection Moldova, Tatiana Zatic, and the ambassadors of Romania and the EU, Daniel Ionita and Peter Michalko, respectively, reports Agerpres.

Maia Sandu thanked Romania for its help and stated that it has the support of all EU countries to be able to have access to the COVID vaccine.

Ambassador Peter Michalko emphasized, speaking in Romanian, that Romania’s help is vital and shows that the EU stands with the citizens and that the EU mechanism is effective in providing quick help.

Minister Bogdan Aurescu assured that Romania considers the Republic of Moldova a top priority and will always support its path to the EU and the projects that will bring the Republic of Moldova closer to the EU through Romania.

After the speeches, the officials made a tour of the 13 trucks with humanitarian assistance, parked in the Great Plaza of the National Assembly.

The new aid is intended for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova and is granted in the implementation of the Romanian support package, publicly presented by the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, on the occasion of the official visit to Chisinau, on December 29 . , 2020.

Publisher: GC
