The harsh reaction of the BOR after the ban on the pilgrimage of Saint Demetrius: “Arrogance, decisional autarky and moral solipsism have not honored and will never honor anyone” – Essential


“Arrogance, decisive autarky and moral solipsism have not honored and will never honor anyone”, is the reaction of the Romanian Patriarchate to Prime Minister Ludovic Orban’s announcement that the pilgrimage to the capital of Saint Dumitrie will be canceled this year.

  • “Negative exercises of imagination at the highest level on the behavior of believers (declared a priori suspects), the organizational capacity of the Church (otherwise an exemplary social interlocutor of the authorities) and the importance of the presence and manifestation of religion in society can be really offensive. ” , transmitted the spokesman of the Romanian Patriarchate, Vaslile Bănescu.

The representative of the BOR also points out that “the lack of inter-institutional dialogue, of co-option in the reflection on decisions with greater public impact regarding the suspension, even temporarily, of fundamental freedoms, such as religious freedom, of experts in conjunctural politics and public health, denounces an excessive superior contempt for immediate social reality ”.

  • “This is much more complex than it seems to those who believe that it can be changed at any time and with any consequence. The community body functions naturally only in a state of balance that arises from the discernment and dialogue for which the Church constantly advocates. Regarding the observance of all the rules of nature, sanitary regulations now required.
  • Arrogance, decisional autarky and moral solipsism have not honored and will never honor anyone ”, the Patriarchate spokesperson also affirms.

In his opinion, the rigorously organized pilgrimage, under exceptional conditions of observance of drastically applied norms and whose violation (now imaginary) can be sanctioned at any time by the authorities “is not only one of the most profound expressions of responsible religious freedom, but in the current context and a beneficial form of trust and respect for most of the good and faithful people of this country. “
