The green scenario could fall below 1.5 incidence rate. It would mean that more students would start school


The working version of the order on the rules for the reopening of schools on February 8 was presented by the Minister of Education, Sorin Cîmpeanu, through a video conference attended by school inspectors from all counties. The minister specified that there is a possibility that the green scenario will drop the incidence rate of 1.5, instead of 1, which means that more students will physically go to school on Monday. Cîmpeanu also specified how to proceed in the case of children with symptoms.

“Regarding the scenarios established for the reopening of schools, the thresholds were taken from the thresholds of the old common order. Currently, in the CNCSU Decision, the green scenario provides an incidence rate of up to 1 per thousand. In other areas, it is always from the threshold of 1.5 per thousand. Harmonization is desired. This harmonization would mean that more students will start school. In this variant we estimate that 2.4 million students would theoretically start school. It is an important element, “said the Minister of Education.., In a videoconference with school inspectors.

Medical certificates in electronic format, taken into account

The certificates of the first semester are still valid, says Sorin Cîmpeanu, who specified that those in electronic format will be taken into account, urging teachers not to ask the parents of students to go after other documents.

“Do not send the parents of the children for other certificates. The certificates issued in the first semester are still valid. Certificates in electronic format will also be considered. Based on the proposals received, we will introduce an article according to which the certificates will be considered doctors in electronic format. “I think it’s something important. I already announced yesterday that the medical certificates issued regarding the vulnerabilities of students that prevent them from coming to school, those issued for the first semester, will be taken into account, “said Sorin Cîmpeanu, Minister of Education.

Students with symptoms should not come to school. No absences

Students will be screened quickly with antigen tests if they show symptoms at school, but only with a parent signature. Also, when returning to the community after healing, the student must bring a certificate from the family doctor.

“Perhaps these situations should be clarified more clearly so that, if the student has symptoms, they do not appear in the community. Absences must not be made or must be motivated. It will be the subject of additions to this ministerial order ”. , Specified Cîmpeanu.

If students present fever or other specific symptoms of infection during class, the isolation protocol will be applied.

“If there is an informed and signed consent of the parents on the agreement to collect samples of nasopharyngeal exudate for the test of symptomatic students, they can be tested, in a first phase, with rapid antigen tests, in the offices. All tests performed In the school medical office at the level of the educational unit, the Public Health Directorate / Public Health Directorate of Bucharest will be informed.If the parent / legal guardian does not express their consent to the test, in case of symptoms they will contact with the family doctor to establish the next steps “, is shown in the document

How to resume classes in schools from Monday

– The entrance to the schools will be done through several access routes
– If there are no more access routes, physical distance is essential
– After disinfection, students will be taken directly to classrooms.
– Parents or other companions will not be allowed to enter the school

– The physical distance of 1 meter between students must be guaranteed.
– If the room does not allow a distance of 1 meter, the space will be organized to guarantee the maximum possible distance between the students.
– The classrooms will be constantly ventilated – before the arrival of students, during breaks, at the end of the day

– In the bathrooms there should be permanent disinfectant and paper towels
– Electric dryers and textile towels are prohibited.

– Courses can start at different time intervals to avoid congestion.
– Students will take turns in the break; overlapping classes will be avoided
– Students will be supervised during breaks.

– Only games that allow physical distance can be played
– The classrooms will be cleaned, disinfected and ventilated after each group of students

Editing: Alexandra Andronie
