The government releases billions! “Just sit in front of the computer”


The government made the announcement expected by many Romanians. According to official statements, the first companies will receive in the next three days the money from the subsidies granted by the Government for companies affected by the Covid-19 crisis, announced this Wednesday the Minister of Economy, Energy and Business Environment, Virgil Popescu, at a press conference. .

The first companies will receive in the next three days money from subsidies granted by the Government for companies affected by the Covid-19 crisis, the Minister of Economy, Energy and Business Environment, Virgil Popescu, announced on Wednesday at a press conference.

“Today (Wednesday – no.) The emergency ordinance is on the Government’s agenda that will complete the budget of subsidies offered to SMEs for the three measures from one thousand to 1.5 billion euros, so that all those who They presented measure 1 and measure 2 in order to be financed, ”said Popescu.

More than 29,000 companies have registered for measure 1 and more than 22,000 companies for measure 2

“We have to see which are eligible and which are not. Currently there are more than 3,000 companies evaluated for measure 1. The money is already in the accounts of the SME agencies and today it was paid to the banks. Tomorrow, the companies will receive in the application The computer used to receive this money from the financing contract. All they have to do is download, sign and upload them to the application again, they will automatically go to the banks and one day two they will have the money in their account “, the minister stressed.

He noted that this is the second ambitious IT application of the ministry, after certificates for emergency situations.

“People just have to sit in front of the computer, press the button, sign electronically and reload into the system. As of Monday, the same will happen with measure 2. I hope that by the end of this month the entire measure will be paid. 2. It is very important: if you do not sign this contract in five days, it means that you renounce this benefit. It is valid for both measures “, Popescu called attention.

Measure 3, the investment measure, will also be launched

On November 12, the Government approved, in first reading, the draft emergency ordinance that complements the budget for the working capital subsidy program for companies affected by COVID-19 with the amount of 500 million euros, he said the head of the Chancellery. the Prime Minister, Ionel Dancă.

“An emergency ordinance was approved in first reading, presented by the Ministry of European Funds, which complements the budget for the working capital subsidy program for companies affected by COVID-19, a program managed by the Ministry of the Economy, with the amount of 500 million, to cover all the requests presented in the framework of this program by more than 22,000 SMEs. Therefore, the € 1 billion program becomes the € 1.5 billion program by complementing the budget for this measure, working capital grants for SMEs affected by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, ”said Dancă.
