The Government has extended the term to obtain Type 2 Emergency Situation Certificates


The deadline to obtain Type 2 Emergency Situation Certificates has been extended to June 15, 2020, the Government decided at the meeting on Thursday, reports the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment (MEEMA), in a Press release. transmitted AGERPRES.

Therefore, at the proposal of the relevant ministry, by Emergency Ordinance, the measure was adopted to extend the issuance period, and after May 14, of Type 2 Emergency Situation Certificates (Yellow), as well as the introduction as a May 2020 benchmark to reduce revenue or income by at least 25% compared to the average for January and February 2020.

“As I said before, the needs of economic operators are extremely important to us, since they give the real pulse of the economy during this period. We have fulfilled their specific requests and we are extending the term to obtain Type II Emergency Situation Certificates, For those economic operators whose income or income has been affected by the crisis caused by the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, we want that as many as possible to obtain such a certificate so that it is easier for them to reintegrate into the economic circuit, contributing thus to the process of restarting the economy, “declared Minister Virgil Popescu.

According to the cited source, economic operators that recorded the decrease in income or income by at least 25% in March, April or May 2020, referring to the average of January and February 2020, can submit an application online, by accessing to the application, until June 15, 2020, the issuance of certificates of emergency situation.
