The government has adopted the bill to regulate the alert situation. According to which law the fines will be imposed


“The government has adopted a bill to protect the lives of citizens and people’s health in the coming period, to regulate the alert situation that will be established after the end of the state of emergency and, in the absence of clear regulations In this context, both Romanians’ lives, as well as their physical health, could be in danger. That is why the Government met today in a meeting for the approval of this bill, which was sent to Parliament for debate. and approval in an emergency regime, “said Dancă, at ​​the Victoria Palace, quoted by Agerpres.

He specified that the provisions of the normative bill mainly refer to issues that “were regulated during the state of emergency, that will continue during the state of alert and that require regulation at the level of law adopted in Parliament.”

Therefore, pAccording to the project, it will still be possible to work in the medical field without competition, during the alert state, the protective mask will be mandatory in closed public spaces: in stores, at work, on public transport and religious services may be carried done as long as social distance is maintained,

Sanctions will also be imposed during the state of alteration. The legal regime of contraventions is assimilated and contributes to the provisions of Ordinance 2/2001 (on the legal regime of contraventions) to avoid the situation in the context in which the regime of contraventions established under Ordinance 1/1999 It was declared unconstitutional, Ionel announced. dance,

Violators may pay within 15 days half of the fine received. The sanctions will take effect 3 days after the publication of the law in the Official Gazette.

The bill will be debated by Parliament.

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