The girl with the suitcase, identified by an EXTERNAL database. Who was the woman and who was the perpetrator. FILTERS in Bucharest


The young woman with the suitcase was identified. She was the mother of an 8 year old boy.

TO UPDATE: The woman’s ex-husband is abroad, where he works. The woman was fingerprinted 4 or 5 years ago for theft. NO practiced prostitution. The young woman lived in coexistence with a man, in whose house she lived until four months ago, with her family. The woman’s son stayed at home with the man who was his concubine, according to Antena 3, being raised by the man’s parents. He did not get along with his family or his parents. This also explains why the woman was not reported missing. At the same time, the hypothesis is raised that the aggressor had accomplices.


The victim, the 32-year-old girl in the suitcase, was from a town in Ilfov. She was married. She got divorced, raising her son alone, an 8-year-old boy, according to Antena 3. She worked for a company. At night he had less orthodox practices, according to the cited source. The main suspect in the murder case is her ex-husband. Another person would be the target.

The young woman’s family was heard, as well as her friends. Her family had not reported the young woman’s disappearance. It seems that they lived in Ilfov, but they did not have a common house, the 32-year-old who lived in a residential complex near Bucharest. Jealousy seems to be invoked as a motive for the crime.

How was the young woman identified? Based on a fingerprint of a hand that was not burned. Identification came from an external database. The murderer is sought on the outskirts of the Capital, where there are filters.

It appears that the day the young woman was found burning in the field, the police did not give a county alert, did not communicate and did not filter.
