The German secret services contradict Donald Trump. Where would the new coronavirus come from


In a confidential report, the German intelligence service, BND, described the explanation that the new coronavirus came from a laboratory in the Chinese city of Wuhan as an attempt by US President Donald Trump “to divert attention from his own mistakes and redirecting Americans’ anger at China, “Der Spiegel magazine quoted a note to Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer as saying. Donald Trump first suggested a link between the virus and Wuhan’s lab in early May, threatening China with a “punitive tariff,” as in the trade dispute in which the first two economic powers of the United States were involved. for several months. world.

The White House leader said he had evidence that the virus came from a Chinese laboratory, but declined to elaborate. For his part, the head of US diplomacy, Mike Pompeo, assured that the United States has “great evidence” that the virus comes from a laboratory in Wuhan, the epicenter of the pandemic, adding that “we are not certain.”

The director of the intelligence agencies of EE. USA, to which the 17 US intelligence services are subordinate. The US explained in a press release: Like most scientists, the US intelligence services. USA to humans or their genetic modification. At the same time, the United States Secret Services would further investigate whether the virus was transmitted from animals to humans or whether it was the result of a laboratory accident in Wuhan. In a press release issued last Thursday and signed by the US ambassador. USA In Berlin and the new White House intelligence coordinator, Richard Grenell, the US intelligence services. USA They made a sensational exception to the rule of not commenting on current events.

BND questions the Five Eyes report

According to the German public television station NDR, the German intelligence services also questioned the existence of a report by the Five Eyes Alliance among Anglo-Saxon intelligence agencies (United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand). by the Australian press. BND officials explained in a closed-door meeting with the deputies that the “Five Eyes” countries told them that “they are not aware of that document,” the NDR said. Instead, German intelligence criticized China for pressuring the WHO to delay issuing coronavirus warnings, adds Der Spiegel. “According to the BND, China’s intelligence policy has led to the loss of 4-6 weeks in the fight against the virus,” the magazine added.

No secret project

A report by the secret service alliance of the five largest English-speaking states (United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand), the so-called alliance (“Five Eyes”) talks about an unknown virus present in bats . In China, the virus was reportedly tested in a laboratory in Wuhan, and the secret report was kept in the Australian newspaper The Daily Telegraph, according to a 15-year-old team of Chinese virologists “Saturday Telegraph” led by Dr. Shi. Zhengli, director of the Center for Infectious Diseases at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, is investigating the coronaviruses found in bats, and there are more than 5,000 different types of these viruses, of which at least 50 have been tested by Dr. Shi. not to mention a secret Chinese project.

Rather, the Wuhan team collaborated with the Animal Health Laboratory of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization CSIRO in Australia. Dr. Shi and his colleague Peng Zhou spent several years in Australia. Another partner of the Chinese team was the University of North Carolina, USA. USA The objective of the investigation was to isolate the viruses found in bats and to analyze the possibility of their transmission to humans. In November 2015, almost exactly four years before the current pandemic broke out, a study by Dr. Shi with the University of North Carolina concluded that SARS viruses can jump directly from bats to humans and that they do not. there would be treatment. Against them

In 2019, their next study concluded that “outbreaks of SARS or MERS-like coronaviruses are likely to break out in bats in the future and there is a high probability that the epidemic will originate in China.” Virologists also referred to the high risk of their research, in the sense of an accident that would release the virus from the laboratory. An important point would be the safety standards in the laboratories. On this issue, there have been reports from some previously unconfirmed Chinese diplomats from China speaking in December 2019 about poor security at the laboratory in Wuhan. However, the Australian Secret Service has rejected speculation and unsubstantiated allegations.

China destroyed information

But the sensational part of the Australian report is different: ASIS unequivocally describes in its 15-page report how China destroyed or blocked extremely important information and evidence about the coronavirus epidemic in December. The case of Huang Yan Ling, employed at the Wuhan Research Laboratory, would be particularly serious. According to the first press reports in China, the woman was supposed to be the first person in the world to be infected with the new coronavirus (“patient zero”).

Shortly after the woman disappeared, her online bio was completely erased and no trace of the woman has been discovered to date. In addition, many doctors in Wuhan who spoke publicly in January about the new virus epidemic were arrested on charges of “spreading rumors”. In addition, the Chinese government ordered the removal of memory from online search engines for notions such as “SARS variation,” “Wuhan seafood market,” and “unknown Wuhan pneumonia.” Clear evidence of the censorship with which the communist regime attempted to control information about the pandemic outbreak.

Scenarios for the protection of the population.

The dangers of coronaviruses have been known for years. There have also been past disaster protection exercises where similar scenarios have been discussed. In Germany in 2012, a “population protection risk analysis” looked exactly at the scene of a viral pandemic. The result: insufficient training, lack of capacity and materials, and adequate plans to limit an epidemic, says DW. And since then, not much has been done, in January most European states have been caught off guard.

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