The gap between the NLP candidate Vergil Chițac and the Social Democrat Decebal Făgădău increases


An INSCOP research survey, conducted September 2-9 on a representative sample of 1,100 respondentsI confirmComplicated I believedthe intention to vote for the NLP candidate for mayor of Constanța, Senator Vergil Chițac versus his main opponent, the current mayor, Decebal Făgădău (PSD). In the third place in the ranking of voting options is the USR candidate Stelian Ion, who has an intentionthat is, a vote of 15%.

The survey reveals deep dissatisfaction a constantold to the way the city was runul. Doua third of the population of the municipality of Constana considerationthat things in the city go in one directionthat is, gresieve. Under these conditions, the people of Constanta îl sancthe current mayor andand agreecredit to the liberal candidate Vergil Chițac who is the first choice of the people of Constanta in all participation scenarios. Thus, Vergil Chițac has almost 8 percent against Făgădău. Of all those who expressed a voting option and stated that take partCertainly at the polls, 39.3% expressed their intentionvote with the liberal candidate, Vergil Chiand 31.7% with the Social Democrat Decebal Făgădău.

Compared to the total sample, Chițac ranks first with 30% of the options, followed by Decebal Făgădău with 26% and Stelian Ion with 14.2%.

Also of the 17.9% who say they have not decided, do not go to the polls or do not respond, ask if they should still make a decision, who do they think could persuade them to vote in case they would decide to vote, the liberal candidate Vergil Chițac remains the first choice of the people of Constanta.

If everything is taken into accounti participateto the survey that indicated a clear option by vot, Chiţac would receive 36.5% of the votes, Făgădău 31.7% and Ion 17.3%.

One of the most interesting conclusions that emerges from this survey is that, in the case of Constanța, the less participation, the main winners are the right-wing parties to the detriment of the PSD. This shows both a much better mobilization of the larger center-right electorate, and the strong dissatisfaction of the majority of Constanta residents with the way the PSD mayors have run the city for the past 20 years. Thus, compared to respondents who are very interested in elections and say they will surely go to the polls, even inin conditionTo increase the number of coronavirus cases around the election date, Vergil Chițacthree secondsrace for mayor of the municipality of Constanzato.

Another fact to highlight is that, of those who do not vote with the current mayor (that is, 73.9% of the total population with the right to vote), 57.4% say that Vergil Chitac would have a better chance of defeating him. Decebal Făgădău.

Vâ ergil Chițac is considered the only candidate capable of defeating the current mayor, and therefore almost 70% of the residents of Constanta are willing to vote with the winner (the so-called useful vote).

Regarding the desire for change, when asked how important it is for you to change, after the local elections, the current mayor of Constanța, more than 87% of the voters who do not vote for Decebal Făgădău believe that the change of the current mayor in Constanța after September 27 is important and very important.

ofgoing to the distributionI’m inby political parties, on the entire sample consulted, the survey indicates they differmore than five percent between NLP (31%) and their principalu rival the Constanţa, PSD (25.1%). USR ar obhas 13.7%.

In the same vein, he informed the respondents indicating or inClear voting candidateon September 27, the PNL would obtain 38.1% of the votes cast and those of the PSD 30.8%.

The delicate health context in which we find ourselves does not change the balance of power either. candidaThe PNL candidates would receive the most votes, obtaining 42.8%, compared to 29.4% of the PSD candidates, of a total of those who are very interested in the elections and say they will surely go to the polls, even inin conditionthe increase in the number of coronavirus cases around the date of the elections.

The data was collected by INSCOP Research at the request of PNL, between September 2 and 9, 2020, in aantion out of 1,100 respondentsand over 18 years old. The collection method was the face-to-face interview, and the research method was the sociological survey based on a questionnaire.

INSCOP Research is one of the most reputable private sociological research companies in Romania, which since 2018 has a special association with the American company. The survey company based on whichand offermutual support in conducting sociological studies in Romania, în old countries in the region and the United States.
