The fox, devastated! I have never felt so much humiliation before. He did it with his hand


Veronica and Viorel Stegaru have created a lot of controversy among viewers. Since they became the stars of the “Direct Access” show, many people have become dissatisfied with their lack of culture and have started making harsh comments about the couple.

Recently, Vulpia made another mistake, for which she was severely accused by viewers and fans. What did Vulpia answer when asked who Nicolae Ceaușescu was?

Veronica seems to continue her vacation and travel across the country. Together with her husband, Viorel Stegaru, she continues to explore Romania and recently the two made it to Snagov, where their fans were able to see them in person. Curious to find out as much as possible about the two of them, Veronica also received a question, to which theoretically everyone would know how to answer, but unfortunately, she did not know. The “Direct Access” star was asked who Nicolae Ceausescu was, and her honest answer was simple: “I don’t know.”

Due to the response, virtual fans got very angry with the star, which is why they came up with many accusations and negative comments about her. At the same time, Veronica doesn’t seem to be bothered by her behavior, and alongside Viorel, continues to surprise the world with the answers they give.

“You don’t know how to dress in a bathing suit in the pool… All you know how to do is… with men in the fields, forests and other cochlea, otherwise you make a shadow in vain for the earth; Go home to your child … stop making monkeys on TV; It still hurts when you take it between your legs; Also buy a bathing suit if you are still paid on Acces Direct ”, these are just some of the comments that Vulpița received.

“Instead of going to the girl stay in Bucharest … I don’t know what is in your soul but you better tell them to take you home with the girl to take her to the sun and to the pool to enjoy, but you just know how to break in manele to appear on television without work without the care of the little one ”, Internet users also told him, according to Cancan.
