The first steps Biden will take as president of the United States. Important changes


US President-elect Joe Biden will make fighting the Covid-19 pandemic his top priority after his victory over Donald Trump, his team says.

In announcing the first steps in the White House power transition plan, his team Joe biden He said there would be more testing for Covid-19 and that Americans should wear masks.

On Monday, according to BBC News, it is expected that Joe biden appoint a 12-member working group for Covid-19.

His victory remains, for the moment, a prediction, because in key states there are still votes, and Trump does not intend to accept the results, his staff say. However, Biden continues with his plans to take power in January, after the main US media networks estimated his victory in the presidential election.

In your plan too issue executive orders – which do not require congressional approval – an order aimed at restoring Donald Trump’s controversial policies.

Here are these future changesAccording to the US press, quoted by BBC News:

-► Joe Biden will once again join the Paris climate agreement, from which the US has already officially left.

-► Will reconsider the decision to withdraw from the World Health Organization

-► End travel ban for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries

-► Restore an Obama-era political decision to grant immigrant status to undocumented children

In his first speech as president-elect on Saturday, Biden said it was “time to heal” America and vowed “not to divide, but to unify” the country. Addressing Trump supporters directly, he said: “We must stop treating our opponents as enemies. “

He and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris launched a website for the transition, saying the team will also focus on the economy, addressing racism and climate change.

What is Joe Biden’s pandemic plan?

The president-elect promised a major change in the way the White House deals with the coronavirus epidemic, after Trump repeatedly downplayed the severity and ignored public health measures, including wearing masks and social distancing.

Biden’s team said it would ensure that all Americans have access to free and regular testing and that “clear, consistent and evidence-based guidance” would be provided. The task force will be led by former surgeon Vivek Murthy and former Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, David Kessler.

Biden also wants the rules to mandate the use of masks across the country, as it would save thousands of lives. He intends to ask all Americans to wear a mask when around people outside their own home, and he wants governors and local authorities to enforce this.

The president-elect has regularly appeared in public wearing a mask, while Trump has often avoided doing so.

How will Joe Biden deal with “systemic racism”?

Another approach to the “Trump era,” given that Trump has been accused of provoking racial tensions and failing to condemn white supremacist groups, is that Biden aims to make the issue of racism a central pillar of his administration.

He intends to take action that includes better access to affordable housing for black and minority citizen communities, fair treatment and fair wages for workers, allowing the Federal Reserve, the US central bank, Set Monetary Policy: Do More to Reduce Financial Gaps by Race.

Joe Biden also wants to transform the American police force, prohibiting the use of intervention procedures by suffocating the suspect, who has killed several people over time, stopping the transfer of “weapons of war” to the police forces and creating a national vigilance commissions. from the police.

It intends to reduce the population of US prisons, which – to more than two million people – is the largest in the world and includes a “disproportionate” number of black and minority detainees, to focus more on “rescue and rehabilitation”. .

“Our criminal justice system cannot be fair if we do not eliminate racial, gender and income differences from the system.” shown in your plan.
