The first reaction of Patriarch Daniel, after the Government’s proposals regarding the churches: “We hope that we will meet again in the services soon” – News by sources


The Romanian government proposes the reopening of churches for believers, but services will be held only outside places of worship, with the exception of weddings, christenings and funerals, which can be held indoors and can attend up to 16 people.

However, for the first time in history, a government is involved in the administration of the Holy Sacraments. According to the proposals presented by the executive led by Ludovic Orban, the use of liturgical objects of worship is prohibited, provided that Holy Communion is administered through single-use teaspoons and glasses. In addition, the government also prohibits kissing icons, the Holy Cross, the Holy Gospel, and other objects of worship.

In Sunday’s sermon, Patriarch Daniel expressed his hope that believers would soon be able to participate in public divine worship. He emphasized the benefits of this aspect, especially during this period “when many people suffer from anxiety and fear”, affirming that the Church services are “a cure from loneliness, from anxiety”.

“During this period we also suffer from the fact that our faithful lovers cannot participate directly, physically, in Church services. We hope that we will soon be able to rejoin Church services, even if they will initially take place outside of worship, “said Patriarch Daniel, at the end of the officiated service in the St. George Chapel of the Patriarchal Residence.

Father Patriarch declared that by participating in divine public worship, we are strengthened in faith: “Services bring us peace and joy through the presence of Christ in the Holy Sacraments and in the services of the Church in general. That is why the psalmist said Gusto and sees that the Lord is good. “

Patriarch Daniel reiterated his call to prayer, dialogue with God being essential to overcome the current health crisis.

“In this moment of pandemic, when many people suffer loneliness, anxiety, fear, the insecurity of tomorrow, fear of disease, fear of death, we pray to the Savior Jesus Christ to come to us, to the soul to rise from suffering, of loneliness, sadness and to give us the joy that he gave to the man from Vitezda whom he healed. “

In addition to prayer, we need the help that we must give to our neighbor, said the Patriarch.

“May God help us transform this period of loneliness and anxiety into a period of hope, a period of more intense communion with God through prayer and more intense communion with our fellow men through good works.”

In addition to the spiritual support offered in the current health context, the Church has also been involved in limiting the effects of panemdia through material support. The total value of the support offered by the dioceses from the beginning of the Covid-19 medical crisis until May 4, 2020 amounts to 17,149,663 lei (3,551,390 euros).
