The first meeting of the Emergency Situations Committee under the chairmanship of Orban. The government issued a GEO for the state of alert


The government has adopted an emergency ordinance aimed at the three unregulated days after the expiration of the state of emergency. The GEO also gives the definition of alertness, a Announced Minister of the Interior, Marcel Vela, after the executive meeting. In fact, at 20:00 the meeting of the National Committee for Emergency Situations begins, whose leadership was assumed by Prime Minister Ludovic Orban.

AThe purpose for which it was established (Emergency decree, n.r.)Restoring normality, it should continue to be monitored, as the danger of the spread of the new coronavirus continues to exist. Therefore, through this normative bill, we propose the modification of some normative acts and an incidence in the field of emergency management and civil protection, such as GEO 21/2004, respectively GEO 1/2014, ”he said. the Minister of the Interior.

According to the document adopted by Alert government is defined as ‘The response to an emergency situation of particular magnitude and intensity, determined by one or more types of risk, consisting of a set of temporary measures. proportional to the level of severity manifested or anticipated and necessary to prevent and eliminate imminent threats to life, human health, the environment, important material and cultural values ​​or property. “

In addition, the GEO adopted Thursday regulates the mechanism for declaring, prolonging, and ending alertness at the local, county, or national level, through decisions of emergency committees.

The criteria to be analyzed to support such decisions were also established, such as the size, density and existing infrastructure in the area. Clarifications are provided on the content of the decisions of the emergency committee, which should include measures to increase the response capacity, guarantee the resilience of the community and reduce the impact of the types of risk, the specific conditions of application of these decisions and the recipients of the measures, “said Vela.

The minister also announced the name change. CommitteeIU National for special emergency situations in the National Committee for Emergency Situations. This vto function under the leadership of the Prime Minister, who will act as President. The committee will have three vice-presidents: the minister of internal affairs, the minister of public works and the chief secretary of state of the Department of Emergency Situations. The inspector general of the General Inspection of Emergency Situations and the director general of the General Directorate of Operational Management of the Ministry of the Interior were also included as members of the National Committee.

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced at the beginning of the government meeting that the state of alert will be declared today, and the committee “will institute all necessary measures to defend the life and health of Romanians.

These will be mandatory and will be established on the basis of GEO 21, which establishes the alert status. Nothing will prevent us from making all the necessary decisions to face the challenge generated by this epidemic, “a said Ludovic Orban.
