The first images with the Cantacuzino center where the Covid vaccines will be stored


The President of Romania visited the Cantacuzino Institute in Bucharest, where the National Center for the storage of covid vaccines was established. The first 10,000 doses will arrive in our country in a few days, between December 26 and 31, after the vaccine receives approval from the European Medicines Agency.

Immediately after Christmas, the vaccination campaign will begin, he confirmed to the head of state, at the end of his visit to the storage center, together with doctor Valeriu Gheorghiţă, the coordinator of the national anti-COVID vaccination campaign.

This is what the Vaccine Storage Center of the Cantacuzino Institute looks like:

What will the vaccination stages be like in Romania?

According to Dr. Valeriu Gheorghiță, on December 26 the first symbolic tranche of some 10,000 doses of COVID vaccine will be delivered, which will then be distributed to 10 first-line hospitals in the country. He specified that first, the workers of the medical system will be immunized, in the second stage the population at risk, essential personnel and, in the last stage, the general population.

“It is a facility ready to receive vaccines after the European Medicines Agency issues the conditional marketing authorization. From what we know so far, the first symbolic tranche of some 10,000 doses will be delivered on December 26, doses that, subsequently , it will be distributed to the front-line hospitals, the hospitals that entered the front line against COVID-19 in this pandemic, “declared Valeriu Gheorgiţă at the presentation event of the National Center for the Storage of COVID-19 Vaccines, at the National Institute . of Research-Medical-Military Development “Cantacuzino”.

He specified that the day after the delivery of the first tranche, the vaccines will be distributed to 10 hospitals, two in Bucharest and the other eight in the country.

“Later, as the delivery schedule comes into operation, they will be handed over to the other health units, where the vaccination centers are installed, effectively starting the vaccination activity, according to the strategy,” explained Gheorghiţă.

The vaccination activity will be carried out based on a programming system

“The workers of the medical system will be programmed by the employment units, those with chronic diseases and those over 65 will be programmed through the family doctor and through the social assistance departments of the municipalities. Essential personnel will be scheduled through employment institutions. , and the general population will have three different forms of programming: through the single platform, by phone, individually through the online system or through the family doctor, ”Gheorghiţă explained.

Editing: Alexandra Andronie
