The first case of a severe allergic reaction after vaccination in the US Symptoms started within ten minutes.


An American healthcare worker is the first case that he has a severe allergic reaction after vaccination against coronavirus in the United States. The woman, who works in a medical unit in Alaska, had symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting and shortness of breath, about 10 minutes after injecting the anti-Covid serum.

The allergic reaction to the vaccine developed by Pfizer against COVID-19, which the woman had, is similar to that of the two British employees also in the health system who presented anaphylaxis, sources from the US authorities reported on Wednesday, cited by EFE. Agerpres.

In all three cases, people have had an anaphylactic reaction, the symptoms of which include a rash, nausea, vomiting, and shortness of breath, which if not treated right away, usually with epinephrine, can lead to unconsciousness and even death.

Dr. Lindy Jones, who cared for the woman in the United States, told a news conference that the allergic reaction began 10 minutes after the vaccine was administered. He received his first dose of serum on Tuesday. The patient began to develop a rash and was taken to the Bartlett Regional Hospital emergency department in June, Alaska, where the healthcare worker had received the vaccine as part of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign launched by the United States government. .

After hospitalization, the woman had difficulty breathing, the rash spread to her face and chest, and her heart rate accelerated, so the doctors decided to treat her with epinephrine and other medications.

Doctors decided it was an anaphylactic reaction. The patient was observed in intensive care and is now recovering.

“In the meantime, I was excited about vaccination and the benefits it will get in the future,” Dr. Jones said at a news conference.

Two other UK healthcare workers suffered allergic reactions after vaccination

The two healthcare workers in the UK, who suffered a similar allergic reaction, have had serious allergic problems in the past, said Lindy Jones, who said this is not the case for the healthcare worker in Alaska.

Following what happened in the UK, the UK drug agency has issued a warning to people who have suffered severe allergic reactions to drugs or some foods in the past not to get vaccinated.

The safety of the Pfizer vaccine was examined in a clinical trial of 40,000 volunteers and is 95% effective.

Publisher: AA
