The final Trump-Biden debate. “China is building a new path to its golf course. What’s up with that?


The last televised confrontation between Donald Trump and Joe Biden took place 12 days before the day of the most tense election in decades in the United States. To avoid a continuous dispute between the two, as in the previous discussion, the two microphones were automatically interrupted after 2 minutes in which they exposed their answer to a question.

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The discussion was calmer than the previous confrontation, unanimously described by public opinion and by analysts as the most disastrous in the history of presidential debates.

Donald Trump has tried not to be as aggressive towards his rival, but he has been more offensive than the Democratic candidate, whom he has tried to attack on suspicions of corruption that loom over his son, Hunter Biden, in connection with a business in Ukraine.

Biden was more defensive than in the previous debate, but he also tried to point to the corruption of the White House and the lack of character of which the current president is accused.

The debate began with questions about the coronavirus crisis that hit the United States very hard.

Donald Trump wanted to repeat that after becoming infected with the new coronavirus, he remained in the hospital for a short time and is now immune. “I am immune, I don’t know if for four months or a lifetime, but I am immune. It will pass, it will go away (pandemic)”

Biden attacked Trump for the taxes he did not pay in the United States (the total amount exceeds just over $ 700), but pays in China instead: $ 180,000.

Biden: China is building a new path to a golf course that you own. Russia pays you, China pays you, what about that?

Trump: I don’t make money in Russia, you do. I don’t make money in Russia, you do. Took 3 million from Russia, you are the big boss.

Another exchange of allegations was about the relationship with Kim Jong Un. Donald Trump said that when he took office, he had a discussion of more than an hour with former President Barack Obama, who told him that the biggest problem in the United States is the relationship with North Korea. “It will be a war,” he told me. That’s what he told me. They left me a mess. The situation with North Korea was a disaster. The problem was, Kim Jong Un didn’t like Obama. Now we don’t have a war with North Korea, “Trump said.

Biden accused him of his relationship with the North Korean leader, whom he called “a bandit.”

Trump: I ran for you and Obama. If you were doing the job, I wasn’t running. I ran for you!

Biden: Our characters are on the ballots. You know that I have a reputation as a man of honor and that I am not lying. You know it too.

Trump: You are a corrupt politician!

Biden: Oh my gosh!

Trump: It’s just about you Joe! You keep saying I’ll do this, I’ll do the other one. Why didn’t he do it while he was Obama’s vice president? It’s just about you!

Biden: Because we had a Republican Congress.

The racism of the current president was another topic of debate. Trump said he was “the least racist person in the room.”

“No one has done more for people of color than I have, not even Abraham Lincoln,” he said.

“This Abraham Lincoln (referring to Trump-nn) is one of the most racist presidents in our modern history. He fuels every outbreak of racism,” Biden said.

The last word of the confrontation was Joe Biden, who stressed that the elections on November 3 are of character, emphasizing his reputation as a man of honor and that he does not lie about Trump’s famous passion for statements that do not conform to reality.

Publisher: AVD
