The fight with Covid is not lost, the solution is still a massive test


Romania has exceeded the threshold of 5,000 new cases of Covid-19 per day and, in this context, the authorities are forced to take increasingly drastic measures. Dr. Adrian Marinescu, from the Matei Balş Institute in the capital, affirms that they bring a solution only for the moment and that the solution to reduce the spread of the coronavirus is mass testing.

Our country has an average of 30,000 tests daily, while in the United Kingdom, for example, 300,000 PCR tests are carried out. According to Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, the number of tests in the next period will reach 50,000.

In this context, infectious disease physician Adrian Marinescu says that “certain very strict measures” taken in the context of the pandemic with the new coronavirus bring a solution “just for a moment”, emphasizing the need for “balance”, because the panic does not drive. to nothing good, and the fight with COVID-19 is not lost, because there are always solutions, points out Agerpres.

“Since the pandemic began, my approach has been optimistic and realistic at the same time, and I believe that at this moment we need an even greater balance. I am interested in what we can do now, because, however, it is a European and global context. , It is not something that only happens in Romania, that is, there is no model that has been 100% successful anywhere in the world, so that, no matter how much we think about what has been done and what has not been done, It is clear that it could not have been perfect, perhaps it could have been better, if we think about what can be done, of course there are restrictive measures, only restrictive measures, in my opinion Isolation or some very strict measures can only be resolved in the moment. These measures can be used when you have nowhere to go: it is an emergency situation, very high pressure in the medical system and you cannot find another solution. We only have to stay if we get there in your? Because there are variants and not all countries Europeans have gone ahead (this solution – no), you have seen that isolation is only in a few cities, in places where things have really gone wrong, “explained the doctor, for cited source.

Three components that could reduce the spread of Covid-19 in Romania

Dr. Adrian Marinescu added that it should be a routine that everyone uses a sanitary mask, maintains physical distance, hygiene.

“I think there are three components that could help us at this time. The first component is that we have been talking about for months, it refers to prevention measures that are for everyone and this is not a cliché. I think this should be routine. , that is, we must all realize that we also need a mask and distance and avoidance of social gestures, etc. We know them, the hygiene rules. We could improve this, there is room for better The second component refers to strengthening the system doctor and rather your organization with what is being done these days, asymptomatic and mild forms stay at home, somehow we reduce the pressure in hospitals, because it is very high at this time, we find a “ In the end, we will get to the point, we don’t want to, but it is a real situation for all hospitals to participate, ”said Marinescu.

In his opinion, tests to detect SARS-CoV-2 infection are very important when there is an accelerated transmission of the virus among the population.

“Third, the test part, which is very important, because when you have an accelerated transmission to the population, the possibility or the real option that you have is to isolate as many people as possible who may have COVID. Of course, you can’t test your PCR, because you don’t have that many labs, but, as you well know, there are also fairly high-throughput rapid test variants, antigen tests that are now accepted – doctors have been talking about them for a long time, including The Institute of Public Health talks about this option, because it can even be screened, that is, it can be used in schools, institutions, etc., in non-COVID hospitals. My balance measures, “said Adrian Marinescu.

When asked when the number of new cases of new coronavirus infections could be reduced, the doctor said it was “hard to believe” that this will happen “in the near future.”

“As for when it will be better, it is really hard to believe that it will be in the near future and this is because Romania cannot make a discordant note. Everything will somehow go together with Europe, which means that it is clear that And it is clear that if the cold season comes at some point, the flu season will arrive in December, the beginning of the year, and it is unlikely that there will be an improvement until spring. “This does not mean that we cannot find a balance , so that we can all live in some way with the virus, including Romania “, concluded the doctor.

Publisher: AA
