The fight for the spectators. “Fox” vs. “Girlfriend for my son”. VIDEO


It is a common scandal in the online environment, respectively on social networks. Those who started the scandal are Vulpița and Viorel, the stars of the Direct Access shows in recent months. The two released a song that netizens didn’t like. Thus, they came to criticize everything and harshly criticized the presenter, Mirela Vaida.

Vulpița and Viorel, Mirela Vaida, harsh criticism from fans

The song released by Vulpița and Viorel along with the artist Ana Ciolpan, “Tuga”, was not well received, Internaiii now has a problem with the two locals who became “stars” of the Capital, but also with the producers and presenter of the program, Mirela Vaida. .

Fans of the show began to criticize. They also say that the former host was different.

“This is the difference between you and Simona Gherghe. She would never lend herself to that cheap circus you’ve been attending for so many months. We have so many people with existential needs, helpless children, but wanting to study, and you’re waiting for Uncle Leana. at the door to listen to those illiterates. Honestly, aren’t you a little embarrassed? It’s your image that’s at stake, woman. In vain you victimize yourself on television because you get them on the show because people are watching. No, You receive them because, no matter how uneducated and stupid they may be, they play the trumpet to your liking! Shame! Honestly, “was the reaction of a netizen, on Mirela Vaida’s Instagram.

Simona Gherghe makes a triumphal entry

After leaving the show, Simona Gherghe returned to small screens, in a new project. It will present the most beloved marriage reality show, Bride, on Antena 1. It was broadcast daily from Monday to Friday from 2:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 1:30 p.m.

“My return to the bottle comes after a hiatus of almost a year and a half, during which time I was with my children, Ana and Vlad. Now I am the grandmother. Then it is time to return to an interval (2:00 – 4:00 pm) that allows me to continue being a highly involved mother in the lives of my children. And I do it again in my style: with a kind of television show that I had not done in 18 years of television. I don’t have any reality shows in my portfolio.

Less than a year ago, when my classmates proposed to me a new Girlfriend, I said that I was not ready to go back, because Vlad, the youngest, was only a few months old and therefore needed me much more. Here I am, now, at the forefront of this show, which will surely take me out of my comfort zone, revealed Simona Gherghe.

“They will have to live together, for 4 months, in a house from which they will not be able to leave”

I am passionate about psychology and this social experiment will be extremely interesting. The contestants, girls and boys, who will be seen for the first time at the gala on September 5, are of different types, come from different origins and have different professional training. However, they will have to live together for 4 months in a house that they will not be able to leave, hoping to find their half, because that is the big bet!

It won’t be easy for me, because I will be your only connection to the outside world. It will be even more difficult for them, even if they live in an absolutely spectacular house! So I invite you every day, from Monday to Friday from 2:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 1:30 p.m. to be with me on this adventure! “Said Simona Gherghe, according to
