The FIFA medical expert demands that the Premier League season be CANCELED! “It is no longer about money, it is about life and death”


Michel D’Hooghe sounds an alarm.

A member of the FIFA Council, but also responsible for the medical activity of the world forum, the Belgian doctor insists that the competition season should not be resumed in the coming months. D’Hooghe spoke specifically about the Premier League and his statements seem to completely contradict the “Project Restart” plan by which the English want to start playing football again.

“We are going through the most dramatic situation since World War II and the world is not ready for competitive football. I hope this changes quickly, but now we need a lot of patience.”

Soccer is a contact sport after all and contact is the first thing the world should avoid. If the 2020-2021 season starts in September, then we could avoid the second wave of the epidemic. “, said the doctor, for Sky Sports.

The FIFA board member also raised another interesting topic: Fans would be in danger even if the games were played behind closed doors.

“Even if we play behind closed doors, there will still be groups of fans who will come together and cheer on the team together, from home. It is no longer about money, it is about life and death.”, Michel D’Hooghe explained, for the quoted source.
