The fate of money according to the time we were born: “They are the ones who can be rich for life”


To earn money, you have to stay close to money. In particular, those born in winter are distinguished by efficiency. They persevere, they are diligent, they are hardworking. They are workers and the most important thing is that they know what they want.

They are career oriented and capable of working hard to achieve their goals. They know how to do things. They are a bit stingy.

I work hard and spend little.

Those born in spring are very ambitious. They are the ones who, when they have put something in their heads, it can be anything, they are often capable of stepping on corpses to achieve their goal. They are energetic, they take advantage of their free time, that is, they know how to rest, work.

I know very well, that is, better than the winter ones, what they want from life. They have an excellent memory, they are efficient, they have mental clarity. They can be rich for life.

They are the people who think when they make an investment. I do calculations. When they want to make an investment, they are very thorough, analytical, they consider everything. Many times, if I get a little bit, I don’t even do it. I smell business. His material life is going very well.

Mihai Voropchievici, on the fate of money in the case of those born in summer

Those with winter and summer extremes are demonstratively perfect. Why? Because those born in summer have warmth of soul. They have extraordinary altruism because God helps them.

They generally make money easily, but spend it just as easily. The joy of giving for them is incomparable. These are the natives of the summer period.

Their goal is to manage their lives independently. To be free like a bird in the sky, to do something, they are responsible for themselves, but also for their business. They are full of qualities, they have courage, flexibility, initiative, but they will be very successful in terms of management. Basically they are the leaders, the leaders, who know how to invest money in making money.

We also pass those that are rainier, darker, muddy. Autumn natives. They have the power to penetrate, the force to penetrate the core of things, to know.

A man born in the fall is perceptive, has a sharp mind and on top of that, he also has the gift of foresight. They are able to quickly analyze any situation in time and make the right decisions for each one.

They look a bit like their winter neighbors, they’re kind of a preamble. Decisions are made only after a relevant and longer analysis, but when they have made it you know it is for life. I will not retract them.

To be successful in life, but also to increase their economic flow, it is important that they rely on information, on the advice of the elderly, for example, because they do not have so much knowledge, they get rich and they also become wise. taking from the wisdom of the other elders.

Tomnatians have learned some things from those who have already been through some seasons, namely spring and summer. It is useful not to always trust what you know, but also the experience of others. Because the others were fried once, you took it as an example. Those in the calculation of the risk of falling.
