The fans finished. The king of handles retires from the industry! Official announcement


Dani Mocanu announced tonight that he is giving up his career in the world of handles. The message sent by the “King of YouTube Views”, as he called himself, so surprised his relatives, but especially his fans.

The famous manelista Dani Mocanu published both on Facebook and Instagram, a black image in which he wrote a blank message in which he revealed that January 7, 2021 will be the last day he will sing party music.

The manelista’s message went viral

“Dear friends and fans,

I announce to you with all my heart and with all sincerity that I will not sing anything. I have some projects already finished, which I have scheduled until January 7, 2021, and then, I will praise the Lord Jesus through spiritual songs.

My family and I have been faithful since we met and I think the time has come to tell people what God has done for us ”, is the strange message, written by the famous manelista on his Facebook account.

The post on his Instagram page was accompanied by the following description: “Dear friends and fans, God be with us! This is my choice. AMEN”.

The reaction of the fans

Dani Mocanu’s message received many thanks, but also comments. Some congratulated him on his decision, others made fun of him. “Boss, did you take covid?” Was one of the comments.

“My respect for our Dănuțul has increased”, “Bravo, you do something wonderful, bravo” and “Bv all respect, sir, bless you” were other comments on the artist’s Facebook page.

Others were even upset by the message posted by Dani Mocanu. ”Dani… You are the last one who expected me to be disappointed. You’re cut out for that, bro. You can’t stop singing. You have many fans who have been with you. You cannot abandon them ”,“ Dănuțule, you know that you are my brother and I love you with all my heart, but don’t do this to me and your fans ”, they wrote to him.

“Be still Dănutzule that your place is in 1 heavy”, “You put us in depression”, “Mocane leaves the nonsense that I want to sing at my brother wedding, otherwise I will not get married” and “I can’t believe I’m your fan no I like all your songs, “were other comments, according to Cancan.
