The failed NLP opportunity and the perpetuation of the urban disaster in Bucharest – Opinions


PNL Bucharest announced yesterday, through the voice of Violeta Alexandru, that the PNL will vote for the suspension of the Sectorial Urban Plans, approved by the old PSD administration, only for 3 months, compared to 24 months, as requested by the mayor general, Nicușor Dan.

This, after Nicușor Dan’s speech on Wednesday in which the mayor drew attention to the fact that these PUZs lead to the concreting of hundreds of hectares of green spaces and allow the construction of 14-story blocks between houses and catalog urbanism The last few years in Bucharest is silly and “hopes” that local elected officials will put an end to this practice and vote in favor of suspension.

Violeta Alexandru stated that the 2-year suspension “would mean blocking any development project in Bucharest, including those that comply with all current regulations”, and in 3 months the problems in these PUZs can be remedied. Although Nicușor Dan had no public position on the issue, Violeta Alexandru stated that the Mayor General understood the arguments and agreed with the NLP proposal.

We do not know what the mayor thinks, but it is very clear that a 3-month suspension is dust in the eyes and the time is too short for the irregularities in these PUZs to be remedied.

There are three legal possibilities to stop the effects of these PUZs.

The first – lawsuits filed by NGOs and citizens or even by the USR for the cancellation of PUZ. These are pending before the courts at various stages. For Sectors 3 and 6, they have already been annulled in the first instance, they are in the appeal phase, the rest are in the preliminary phase of complaint or the processes are beginning. In 3 months, not even the processes in the appeal phase can be completed.

The second possibility is the modification of the PUZs by the local administration through another PUZ, but here it also takes at least a year if you work on it every day. Why? One – the design lasts at least one month, then the approval and public debate phase follows, the opinions of each institution must be taken – environment, culture, public services, public service providers, etc. – which at best lasts a year.

Another possibility is that these PUZs are attacked in court by the Prefecture, because they are directly suspended, but the deadline in which they could attack the Prefecture has expired for most because they were approved 2-3 years ago. Of course, the Prefecture can punctually attack all the harmful authorizations issued by these PUZs, but there are hundreds of documents of this type, which means great unpredictability and great consumption of resources.

In conclusion, a reasonable period of suspension is at least one year.

The NLP speech reminds me of the speech of Gabriela Firea, Deputy Mayor Aurelian Bădulescu and the PSD, that we cannot block urban development, it does not matter that blocks are built over houses, green spaces are concreted, that we have new neighborhoods no sidewalks with 7 meter streets, where no fire truck can enter.

From my point of view, but also from many people who expressed their opinion on Facebook, this does not mean urban development, this means maintaining the chaos that has ruled the city until now, and that the NLP condemned in the electoral campaign, the enrichment of some “real estate investors”, to the detriment of the general interest and of the citizens, the impoverishment of the city, because this illegality will cost the capital city council a lot of money to remedy the problems that these real estate projects generate.

Below are some clear examples of what the Sectorial PUZs approved by the PSD administration mean.

For example, the PUZ of Sector 2 allows the transformation of more than 30 hectares of land on the shores of the Colentina, Tei, Plumbuita and Fundeni lakes, but also from the park near the National Arena of green spaces to areas where blocks are found. of flats and houses. can be built.

Among the areas where the change of destination of green spaces was approved are: the old RADET sports base in Calea Floreasca, an area at the intersection of bd. Barbu Văcărescu with Țițeica street, the area where the Bamboo Club is built, the area of ​​the old Petricani nurseries, Tibiscum island in Lake Fundeni and a piece of green space from the National Arena. These lands are privately owned, most of which has been returned. For the RADET sports base there is a building permit on the pipeline.

Likewise, in some residential neighborhoods, for example Andronache, the height regime is increased to 14 floors. Also, between the area between Lake Fundeni and Lake Dobroiești. This means that people who have houses in these areas can wake up at any time with window blocks.

The Sector 3 PUZ allows the construction of 10-story blocks in the Constantin Brâncuși Park and maintains the regulations that allow the construction of blocks up to 45 m in height on the piece returned in the IOR Park. At the same time, it allowed the construction of blocks of flats between houses, in various areas of Sector 3.

The PUZ Sector 5 Coordinator proposes a 41% reduction in green space from 369.6 hectares to 219.77 hectares.

The Sector 6 PUZ transforms the green spaces in the Giulești Arena area, a part of the Grozăvești Park and the Ghencea Extension into areas where housing blocks can be built.

Yesterday’s gesture also reminds me of the not too distant period in which PNL and PSD voted side by side with disastrous real estate projects.

From my point of view, now this party, in Bucharest, had the opportunity to show that it has changed profoundly, at least in this field, but it seems that it missed the opportunity and shows that it is still subject to the influence of property developers. And I am not referring to the honest ones, but to those who want to build much more in the green space than what the urban regulations provide. Citizens and NGOs call them real estate sharks.

Yes, the suspension of these PUZs is a great responsibility with many legal consequences, there are some administrative acts approved, the damage has been done and they have produced effects. Yes, the City Council and the councilors general will be elected with many lawsuits and a lot of money will be demanded in the courts, as in the case of Constanda. It is normal for such a decision to be well considered. But people do not expect elected councilors general and their mayor to defend only their skin and be afraid of them. People want local elected officials to show courage, have authority, stand up for what is right, respect the laws of the land, and most importantly, stand up for the interests of the people, the majority, not a small group of people. who have unduly benefited from billions of euros from these Sectorial PUZs.

And Mayor Nicușor Dan must propose much clearer solutions for the suspension period, so that decent real estate projects and public investments are not blocked. It is a statement from the childhood of the press conference that a PUZ can be given in a month. It is impossible. In addition, Nicușor Dan must urgently unlock the new Urban Master Plan to offer a healthy alternative for urban development and must seek a solution for restored green spaces.
