The faceless future. What problems will wearing a protective mask bring after the coronavirus epidemic passes, and what do criminologists say?


With the passing of the coronavirus epidemic, society will have to adapt to new realities. Social distancing is perhaps one of the most discussed concepts during this period. Social distancing involves wearing minimal protective equipment, even just a face mask, but also maintaining a physical distance from others.

However, the new rules can also bring problems. One of them could be related to increased crime and the ability of criminals to escape the clean slate.

“One problem is that wearing masks could create opportunities for those who want to hide their identities for various reasons, often related to breaking the law,” says Professor Francis Dodsworth of Kingston University.

CNN notes that the number of crimes committed by masked individuals has increased in both the United States and Western Europe. The source quoted recalls that last month an ISIS terrorist was arrested in the Spanish city of Almería. The Spanish Interior Ministry was able to identify him, although the man always wore a face mask and behaved very carefully.

Francis Dodsworth says facial recognition will be much more difficult.

“Currently, when committing a crime, one witness recalls that the individual had a mustache, another had a beard, another wore a hat or glasses. But if everyone wears a mask, many details that help identify someone will no longer be available.” observed, “says the criminology professor.

“Right now we don’t know exactly how the masks will affect the accuracy of what we call facial recognition,” he said.

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