The extraordinary hallucinations of Florin Cîțu / COMMENT – News by sources


“We have achieved the impossible,” announced the Minister of Finance triumphantly. What refers to a great performance that would have been achieved this year. Financing of the deficit through double-digit loans of only 3.5% per year. And he also announced to us about a week ago that Romania’s economy and finances are much better than expected. After completing the calculations to be made in the next two to three days after the big announcement, after which the Ministry of Finance will make them officially available to the public. We do not know if these accounts were closed or not in accordance with the commitment in the Ministry headed by Florin Cîțu. But I have not yet received any news on how well Romania is recovering from a crisis, which would only have passed through her ear. Let’s study the hallucinations of our Minister of Finance a little, to find out an hour before where we are going.

On March 13 of this year, also following some academic calculations, related to alchemy instead of financial techniques, Florin Cîțu reached the following conclusion, which he made public: “Romania will need a financial package of at least 1% of the Product Gross Domestic, to consolidate sustainable economic growth, to keep jobs and to reduce the burden on Romanians. ” I cut in two. I was pointing out this aberration then. While the countries of the European Union, freed from the burden of limiting the budget deficit, had decided to protect their economies by investing in development above 10% of GDP, some like Spain rising to 17%, according to calculations, was born Florin Cîțu a 1% account How did God want Cîțu in March to boost the Romanian economy, and even in a sustainable way, with only 1% of GDP? And this at the same time that the free fall of the economy was in full swing? A month later, on April 14, the first ax falls.

On April 14, just a month after the festive statement by the Romanian Finance Minister, the International Monetary Fund revised the estimates on the Romanian economy for this year, of growth that had been forecast at 3.5% in October last year, to a decline of around 5% by 2020. Overall, summing up these figures, we see a large contraction in IMF estimates. 8.5% Then, a month ago, the world’s largest financial institution noted that Romania’s economy is in a free and dizzying fall. The IMF also noted on the same occasion, also a month ago, that unemployment will also rise dramatically, from 3.9% to 10.1%. These are the numbers for this year.

And here, a few days ago, trying to become a magician, Florin Cîțu informs us that he did the impossible and that the impossible will be removed from work soon, so that he presents himself with legitimate pride to the entire population, as well as to our partners. Europeans. The bunny has not been out of work since. And it looks like it won’t even come out. According to the information I have, pushed by his minister from behind, some Finance officials tripped, knelt, and got into trouble. And Florin Cîțu has nothing more to present to us than an unprecedented disaster. So, after saying that the economic data looks very good, that Romania is in fact going through this crisis unscathed, he is now silent as a fish and is limited to speaking only generally about the fact that he as minister would have accomplished the impossible.

Well, if so, then we have nothing more to do than give Florin Cîțu a bonus in good faith. If our economy is booming, if it looks much better than you thought, then it is simple. It means that, in just a few days, we will discover that the law has been respected and that pensions will increase by 40%. While state children’s allocations will double. And the media industry, to be saved, will no longer be bribed with advertising contracts, but will simply develop and implement, as in other countries, a state aid scheme, aimed not only at press houses. , but also journalists. Finally, we should see how the unemployed return to work in roaring and spinning companies. And only if all these things happen we can conclude that not Florin Cîțu but us, everyone else has hallucinations. And it only seems to us that the Romanians are condemned to work as slaves across Europe, and we will provide them with our money for treatments against the coronavirus, with which they are infected in generous social states, the best example is Germany. .

And we would still stumble upon the confusion. Why does Florin Cîțu boast of obtaining loans, on behalf of the Romanian state, with only an average annual interest of 3.5%? Well, to my knowledge, all the states in the European Union that currently borrow money from banks do so with interest rates of around 1%. What will be the performance? How does this performance work? For or against the Romanian state?

With legitimate interest, I hope that all these mysteries generated by Florin Cîu’s extraordinary hallucinations are somehow cleared up in Parliament, in which the opposition announces to us again, through belligerent declarations, that it is preparing to cut and hang.

A comment by Sorin Roșca Stănescu, journalist
