The explanation behind Dan Bittman’s desperate statements. The connection to his dead parents.


Psychiatrist Gabriel Diaconu says he understands why Dan Bittman has vehemently defied the restrictions imposed by the authorities, given that he has no medical education.

The explanation behind Dan Bittman’s desperate statements

Thus, the specialist ensures that his statements only hinder the work of doctors, when it comes to the common man. It is worth mentioning that Dan Bittman did not shy away from questioning the measures of the authorities, in a tirade in which he also questioned the figures that are announced daily to the population. Dan Bittman said no one can say what the toll is for coronavirus deaths, as doctors do not perform autopsies when patients die in hospital beds.

Psychiatrist Gabriel Diaconu told Adevărul how Dan Bittman came to think of the coronavirus in the context of a pandemic.

“I learned a lot about the coronavirus during this time. And sadly, we have not learned to treat it much better. Upcoming studies showing decreased mortality with one agent or another generally suggest modest effects. Both Remdesivir and convalescent plasma and dexamethasone On the other hand, its spread is inexorable. And when you have an inevitable spread, it is clear that in people of our age it will be commonplace, in Dan Bittman’s old flat it remains relatively modest. Now, Dan Bittman himself He has announced that his parents have passed away.On the other hand, if his parents had lived, he probably would have felt a bit more restrained, because he would have understood at the time that he still had some lives in his hands.

“People interpret this medical problem quite naively”

It’s easy to speak in public because you have a financial knife. It is simple and emotionally understandable. People interpret this medical problem quite naively. You can’t expect anything else, not even from Dan Bittman. I can understand that the man has a musical education, but he certainly does not have a medical education. And having no medical education, his views on this pandemic are in line with vulgarity. I mean, they have a folkloric character. And of a folkloric nature and derived from popular thinking, at most his statements reflect the state of misunderstanding at the population level ”, Dr. Gabriel Diacunu told Adevărul.

Dr. Diaconu also said that such statements, by some public figures, do a lot of harm, because they encourage ordinary people to challenge the authority of doctors.

“It’s enough to talk to an infectious disease doctor, to a doctor who had a Covid patient, and suddenly the nature of the conversation changes. Because the biological tests of the patients do not lie, the x-rays of their lungs do not lie. As a result, what Mr. Bittman says is a drop in the ocean of rubble for me. It doesn’t matter! The only difference is that it makes life difficult for me and my colleagues when it comes to an average person and is not good.

There is an illusory death toll that will silence you. But can we afford it? I’m sure these people who slander, when we have 500 or 1,000 deaths a day out of 100 deaths, these people will no longer have a place on television to talk to them and fuck like cocks about their science. about the coronavirus ”, the specialist also declared.
