The European Medicines Agency has announced when it could authorize the Covid vaccine


The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has announced that it could approve the first vaccines against COVID-19 later this year or early next year at the latest.

The EMA, the institution responsible for the authorization and control of medicines in the European Union, has launched an accelerated authorization procedure, which allows the examination of data on the safety and efficacy of vaccines upon arrival, even before they arrive. the manufacturer submits a formal application for authorization.

According to Mediafax, the EMA announcement comes after European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said last week that the agency could approve the vaccines tested by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna in the “second half of December. “.

“It is difficult at this time to accurately predict the deadlines for the authorization of the vaccine, since we do not yet have all the data and the examinations are in progress,” said the institution.

“Depending on the progress of the assessment, the EMA may be able to complete the assessment of more advanced candidates later this year or early next year,” it is also reflected in the statement collected by international press agencies, quoted by Mediafax.

The EMA has established a rapid procedure that allows you to review data on the safety and efficacy of vaccines as they become available, even before the manufacturer submits a formal application for authorization. Oxford / AstraZeneca, Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna are the three vaccine variants subject to this “ongoing review”.

AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford announced Monday that a vaccine has been developed with an efficiency of between 70% or even 90% in some cases, according to interim results. These results seem less convincing at the moment than those of its competitors Pfizer / BioNTech or Moderna, which are more than 90% effective. However, the British formula has the advantage of using more traditional technology, so the vaccine will be cheaper and easier to store.

Publisher: AA
