The European Commission has presented the “green electronic certificate”, the document that will facilitate free movement in the EU


The European Commission released on Wednesday a proposal for a digital vaccination certificate, valid at the EU level, in an attempt to boost the tourism sector, which is severely affected by the pandemic. The green electronic certificate will be proof that the holder has been vaccinated against COVID-19, has received a negative test for infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus or has been cured of COVID-19 and can be verified at any member state.

With such proof of vaccination against Covid-19, or “digital green certificate” as the European Commission calls it, a person vaccinated in one Member State will be recognized as immunized in another Member State. This could facilitate travel, including tourism, between countries.

The green electronic certificate will be proof that the holder:

  • was vaccinated against COVID-19
  • received a negative SARS-CoV-2 virus infection test result or
  • cured of COVID-19.
what the green certificate looks like
Model of “green electronic certificate”. Photo: Facebook / European Commission in Romania

“Today, March 17, the European Commission proposes the creation of a green electronic certificate to facilitate safe free movement within the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic. The green electronic certificate will be proof that the holder has been vaccinated. against COVID-19 .19, received a negative result in the test for infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus or was cured of COVID-19 ”, reports the European Commission.

Key elements of the regulation proposed by the European Commission

Accessible and secure credentials for all EU citizens:

The green electronic certificate will cover three types of certificates: vaccination certificates, SARS-CoV-2 test certificates (by RT-PCR tests or rapid antigen tests), and certificates for people who have been cured of COVID-19.

Certificates will be issued in digital or paper format. Both will have a QR code that will contain the essential information necessary, as well as a digital signature that proves the authenticity of the certificate.

The Commission will set up a portal and help Member States develop software that authorities can use to verify all certificate signatures across the EU. The personal data of the certificate holders are not transmitted to the portal and the Member State conducting the verification does not retain them.

The certificates will be available free of charge, in the official language or languages ​​of the issuing Member State, as well as in English.


All citizens, whether vaccinated or not, must receive a green electronic certificate when traveling in the EU. To prevent discrimination against people who are not vaccinated, the Commission proposes to create not only an interoperable vaccination certificate, but also test certificates for COVID-19 and certificates for people who have been cured of COVID-19.

The same right for travelers with a green electronic certificate: if they accept proof of vaccination to waive certain public health restrictions, such as tests or quarantine, Member States must accept, under the same conditions, the vaccination certificates issued. Certificates. This obligation would be limited to vaccines that have been authorized to be marketed in the EU, but Member States may decide to accept other vaccines.

Notification of other measures: if a Member State continues to require that holders of a green electronic certificate be quarantined or tested, that Member State must notify the Commission and all other Member States and argue its decision to take such measures.

Only essential information and protected personal data:

Certificates will include a limited set of information, such as name, date of birth, date of issue, relevant vaccine / test / cure information, and a unique certificate identifier. This data can only be verified to confirm and verify the authenticity and validity of the certificates.

The verification of certificates in all EU countries will be carried out through a common portal

The certificates will be available free of charge, in digital or paper format, and will include a QR code to ensure their security and authenticity. The Commission will create a portal to ensure that all certificates can be verified across the EU and will support Member States in the technical implementation of the certificates.

It remains the responsibility of the Member States to decide which public health restrictions can be lifted for passengers, but they should apply these exemptions in the same way to passengers holding a green electronic certificate.

Who are the people who can move freely in the EU?

The certificate will indicate whether a person has tested negative for COVID-19, recently recovered from the disease or developed antibodies, or has been vaccinated against COVID-19. The vaccination certificate will expire at the end of the pandemic and can be reactivated if there is a new pandemic in the future.

Green electronic certificates will be valid in all EU Member States and Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland they will be able to use them. Green electronic certificates must be issued to EU citizens and their families, regardless of their nationality. These certificates must also be issued to third-country nationals residing in the EU and to visitors who have the right to travel to other Member States.

Southern European countries dependent on tourism, such as Greece, Spain and Portugal, support this system, but their partners in the northern bloc, such as Germany, have reservations about the operation of these certificates.

At the same time, France and Romania highlighted that plans to introduce such a certificate are premature, as very few European citizens have been immunized.

Publisher: IC
