The European Commission asks that the borders remain closed to travel until the summer


The European Commission on Friday asked Schengen member states and Schengen partner states to extend the temporary restriction on non-essential travel to the EU for another 30 days until June 15, according to a Commission statement.

The Commission notes that the situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic remains fragile, both in Europe and worldwide, despite the fact that some EU Member States and some Schengen-associated countries are taking preliminary steps to reduce the restrictions. Therefore, the EC proposes to maintain measures directed at the external borders.

The elimination of travel restrictions should also be gradual, as described in the Common European Roadmap: internal border controls should begin to be eliminated in a coordinated manner, and then in a coordinated manner. second stage, to relax restrictions at the external borders.

“The overall objective – to limit the spread of the coronavirus through a low level of social interaction – remains valid. Despite the progress made in many European countries, the world situation is very fragile. It is imperative that measures be taken gradually and that the various restrictions be lifted in stages, “said Margaritis Schinas, vice president to promote our European lifestyle.

Internal Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson said: “A coordinated and organized approach is needed. Restoring the normal functioning of the Schengen free movement area is our first objective, as soon as the health situation allows. Free movement restrictions and internal border controls should be gradually lifted, and at a later stage we will remove restrictions at external borders and allow non-EU citizens to enter the EU for non-essential travel. “

The travel restriction, as well as the invitation to extend it, applies to the “EU + area”, which includes all Schengen Member States (including Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus and Romania) and the 4 Schengen associated States ( Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) – a total of 30 countries. The Commission calls for a coordinated approach to extension, as action at the external borders can only be effective if it is implemented by all EU Member States and the Schengen area at all borders, with the same end date and evenly.

The Commission will continue to support Member States in applying the restriction on non-essential travel to the EU, including by holding videoconference meetings with the Home Affairs Ministers. Any new extension of the travel restriction after June 15, 2020 should be reevaluated, depending on the evolution of the epidemiological situation, according to the statement.

When the restrictions were introduced

On March 16, 2020, the Commission invited Heads of State or Government to introduce a temporary restriction on non-essential travel to the EU, for an initial period of 30 days. On April 8, the Commission requested an extension of the travel restriction until May 15. Subsequently, all EU Member States (except Ireland) and non-EU countries that are part of the Schengen area have taken national decisions to implement and extend this travel restriction.

To support Member States, the Commission presented on March 30, 2020 a guide on how to implement the temporary travel restriction, facilitate repatriations around the world and manage the situation of people who, due to travel restrictions, have than staying in the EU longer than allowed.

EU citizens, citizens of non-EU countries belonging to the Schengen area and their families, as well as third-country nationals who are long-term EU residents are exempt from the travel restriction in order to come home. Furthermore, to minimize the impact of the restriction on the operation of our companies, Member States should not apply restrictions to certain categories of passengers that have an essential function or need. Key personnel, such as doctors, nurses, health workers, researchers and experts contributing to the fight against the coronavirus, as well as people transporting goods, cross-border workers and seasonal workers in the agricultural sector must also have the right to continue. join the EU.

Publisher: B.P.
