The EU wants to vaccinate 40% of the population against Covid-19. How many doses of vaccine will Romania receive?


Romania has requested the European Commission for doses of the covid vaccine for half the population. However, you have the possibility to supplement the request.

The serum could be ready next year. The European Commission has signed a contract with Astra Zeneca for 300 million doses of covid vaccine. You will be able to buy an additional 100 million doses. They will be distributed to the 27 member states of the EU, in proportion to the population.

European officials hope to have the vaccine early next year. Astra Zeneca will provide 400 million doses to EU member states. The vaccine is being tested in humans.

Ștefan Turcu, Representation of the European Commission in Romania:The Commission signed this contract with Astra Zeneca because it has passed the last phase. It is in an advanced stage to be safe for any patient. “

The 27 member states of the EU together have a population of 450 million. Although we are already talking about a contract signed for 400 million vaccines, the European Commission wants similar agreements with 4 other manufacturers: Sanofi-GSK, Johnson & Johnson, CureVac and Moderna.

Ștefan Turcu, Representation of the European Commission in Romania: “There will be more doses. This is the objective of the European Union, each Member State will receive in proportion to the population, and the surplus can be used between European countries. Let’s say I am Spain. I need more vaccines than I receive. Romania, yes it can, it gives its part to Spain. And, after all the EU member states have the vaccine, that is the objective, to also target low-income countries. “

The European Union intends to vaccinate 40% of the population in a first phase. That is, the risk groups: medical personnel, the elderly, patients with chronic diseases, employees in the field of transportation and public safety. Romania has already requested almost 11 million doses.

Oana Grigore, spokesperson for the Ministry of Health: “On the recommendation of the WHO and the European Center for Communicable Diseases, we have requested a need for 10.7 million people, which means almost half of the population.”

Prof. Dr. Doina Azoicai, President of the Romanian Society of Epidemiology: “If we all got vaccinated and used all these doses, we would get 50% protection plus those who contracted the disease. Would they protect us? Of course, vaccinating the entire population is a goal that can hardly be achieved.”

The European Commission says that each state can request new doses of vaccine as new contracts are signed. Because this epidemic ends when 80% of us have protective antibodies. It is obtained by disease or by vaccine.

The vaccine for which the European Commission signed the contract was developed by researchers at the University of Oxford. It uses an adenovirus, which produces viruses common in chimpanzees. This virus will carry in the human body the so-called S protein of coronaviruses, which will not be infectious, but will produce antibodies.

Dr. Brîndșa Petrutescu, Immunologist: “The body detects it as a foreign body and attacks it by producing antibodies. When we make contact with coronaviruses, they will provoke an immune response against the attacker.

This way we will be protected by COVID-19. 3 of the other 4 companies that are in negotiations with the European Commission use the same technology for the production of vaccines.
