The electoral decalogue of the BOR. Believers are advised to vote for those who support “anti-abortion policies”


A statement was published on the official website of the Archdiocese of Suceava and Radauti, stating that “The Romanian Orthodox Church encourages the participation of believers in the social life of the community, including through

expressing the correct and responsible vote for the election of their representatives in the legislative forums of the state, recommending, at the same time, taking into account the achievement of the good of the country and the promotion of Christian values ​​in society ”.

“The Holy Synod reiterates that the Romanian Orthodox Church does not recommend supporting any political party or political ideology, but urges all citizens to make decisions based on criteria aimed at achieving the good of the country and promoting Christian values ​​in society,” the statement said.

The Archdiocese of Suceava and Radauti communicates to the parishioners 10 indicative criteria “for the evaluation of the candidates in the parliamentary elections.”

The Church in Bucovina recommends that believers support candidates who implement “anti-abortion” policies and promote the traditional “male and female” family.

Here are the 10 criteria:

I. manifestation of faith in God and responsibility towards the community;

II. the defense of religious freedom and the support of the spiritual and social activities of the Church;

III. respect for the human person and promotion of the culture of life: promote the traditional natural family, made up of men and women, destined to conceive other lives; implementation of policies against abortion, euthanasia, research on human embryos, cloning;

IV. promote a comprehensive national education that combines intellectual knowledge with moral and spiritual formation;

V. defend and promote the physical, mental and moral / spiritual health of the Romanian people;

SAW. Romanian poverty reduction, economic development and population growth;

YOU COME. defense and promotion of the national cultural and spiritual heritage;

VIII. protection of natural resources, protection of the environment and development of agriculture, as bases of responsibility for present and future generations;

IX. supporting Romanian communities around Romanian borders and the diaspora, as well as promoting projects to encourage Romanians to return to Romania;

X. defend and promote with dignity the interests of the Romanian people, both abroad and within.

It should be noted that these pastoral recommendations for a responsible and correct vote were published on November 6 and appear only on the website of the Archdiocese of Suceava and Radauti, not on other online channels of the Romanian Patriarchate, although the Holy Synod of BOR.

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