The draft with measures for alertness, voted quickly before in Parliament. The law is sent for enactment.


The Chamber of Deputies adopted, on Wednesday, the Government’s project regarding the measures provided during the state of alert, making several modifications, among which the Parliament will have to approve the state of alert if it is established in at least the half the country.

There were 267 “in favor”, 26 “against” and 5 abstentions.

Legislators have eliminated the amendment introduced by the Legal Commission on the proposal of the liberal Florin Roman (photo) for the law to enter into force on the date of publication in the Official Gazette.

Also read: How will you be alert? The jurists adopted a PNL amendment, although it is unconstitutional. Maximum fines of 2,500 lei.

All parliamentary groups except ALDE and Pro Romania said they voted in favor of the bill. However, the time for debate was extremely limited, the changes in the committees were numerous and it remains to be seen, after it is published, what we must respect and on what basis they are imposed on us.

The adopted normative act also establishes The possibility of opening shopping centers with an area of ​​less than 15,000 square meters and terracesIn accordance with sanitary protection measures, these provisions were introduced by parliamentarians.

“Alertness represents the response to an emergency situation of special magnitude and intensity, determined by one or more types of risk, consisting of a set of temporary measures, proportional to the level of severity manifested or anticipated and necessary for prevention and elimination of imminent threats to life, human health, the environment, important material and cultural values ​​or property, “provides the adopted text.

It is also stated that, If alertness is established in at least half of the country, Parliament’s approval is needed within 5 days. In the form of the Government, this provision does not exist, and in the form adopted by the Senate, the approval of the state of alert was only necessary if this measure was taken at the level of the entire country.

The government establishes the alert status by decision, at the proposal of the Interior Minister, and cannot exceed 30 days. The alert status can be extended, for good reasons, for a maximum of 30 days, by decision of the Government, on the proposal of the Minister of the Interior. The alert status is established throughout the country or only in the territory of some administrative-territorial units, as the case may be. When the state of alert is established in at least half of the administrative-territorial units in the country’s territory, the measure is subject to approval by Parliament. The Parliament pronounces in the joint session of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, within 5 days from the date of the request for approval. If Parliament rejects the approval request, the alert state ceases immediately, “is mentioned in the approved text.

Furthermore, Parliament may introduce changes to the measures proposed by the Government on alert.

Law deputies reintroduced some articles on the proposed restrictions in the government bill, which the Senate had removed on Tuesday., and others remained in the form of the Upper House.

“During the alert state The consumption of food and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages can be suspended in the common dining rooms of restaurants, hotels, motels, boarding houses, coffee shops or other public places. both inside and on the terraces outside them. During the alert state, the preparation of food and the sale of food products and alcoholic beverages that are not consumed in the aforementioned spaces can be allowed, with the exception of the terraces where sanitary protection measures are observed “- are other provisions adopted by the deputies.

“During the alert state, the retail activities of products and services in the shopping centers where several economic operators carry out their activity may be suspended, with the consent of the CNSSU. The measure does not apply in the case of smaller shopping centers of 15,000 square meters, with individual stores on the premises of less than 500 square meters each, “is shown in the document.

The restrictive measures of the rights provided for in this law, as well as, as the case may be, those of renunciation or relaxation thereof are ordered respecting the principle of equal legal treatment for identical or comparable situations, it also provides an amendment adopted by the deputies.

The Chamber of Deputies is the decision-making body.

The law must be sent for enactment after the two days it can be challenged before the Constitutional Court, and then it comes into force three days after its publication in the Official Gazette. So at the earliest it could be in effect on Monday.

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