The definitions of coronavirus cases have been updated. Categories to be tested at least 2 times a month


On Monday, the National Institute of Public Health updated the coronavirus case definitions. The new rules foresee 14 categories of people to be evaluated. Asymptomatic institutionalized people should be tested two or four times a month.

Ce means “suspected” of coronavirus

The INSP considers anyone with a cough, fever, shortness of breath, and sudden onset of anosmia, ageusia, or dysgeusia to be a suspect case.

The cases are divided into: possible – anyone who meets the clinical criteria (cough, fever, shortness of breath and sudden onset of anosmia, ageusia or dysgeusia), probably – anyone who meets the clinical criteria and is epidemiologically related to a confirmed case or anyone who meets the criteria for diagnostic imaging (radiological evidence of lesions compatible with COVID-19), person with a confirmed price who meets the laboratory criteria (detection of nucleic acid or SARS-CoV antigen -2 in a biological sample).

Cine is direct contact

Direct contact is defined as a person who lives in the same home with a COVID-19 patient, a person who has had direct physical contact with a COVID-19 case (eg.

without subsequent hand hygiene), a person who has had direct unprotected contact with infectious secretions from a COVID-19 case (for example, by coughing, touching tissues with an unprotected glove), a person who has had facial contact in Compared to a COVID-19 case at a distance of less than 2 meters and lasting at least 15 minutes, a person who was in the same room (for example, classroom, meeting room, waiting room of a COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes and within 2 meters of a healthcare professional or other person providing direct care to a patient with COVID-19 or a laboratory person handling samples collected from a patient with COVID-19, without the correct use of protective equipment, according to Mediafax.

The epidemiological link may have occurred in the 14-day period prior to the start date.

Anyone who has worn proper protective equipment / masks and observed a physical distance is not considered direct contact.

Categories of people for whom INSP recommends testing:

  • Symptomatic persons, including medical and auxiliary personnel, according to the case definition
  • Symptoms with a negative result for the SARS-CoV-2 antigen test performed in health centers
  • Direct contacts of confirmed cases
  • Patients no later than 48 hours before the transplant procedure (asymptomatic) and donors of hematopoietic organs, tissues and stem cells before donation; hematopoietic organ, tissue and stem cell transplant patients undergoing immunosuppressive therapy before each hospitalization during the post-transplant follow-up period – 2 tests at 24 hour intervals
  • Medical organs for organ transplants moving from the transplant center to the sampling centers: every 2 weeks
  • Asymptomatic patients with immunosuppression in the context of disease or drug-induced, up to 48 hours before hospitalization
  • Asymptomatic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy: asymptomatic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, up to 48 hours before each treatment, respectively for each presentation at the hospital for follow-up; Asymptomatic cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy: before the first session and then after 14 days, until the end of treatment.
  • Patients with asymptomatic cancer before surgery or invasive maneuvers, up to 48 hours before surgery / surgery
  • Companions of pediatric patients in points 6., 7. and 8.
  • Asymptomatic hemodialysis patients – 2 times a month / Contacts of asymptomatic hemodialysis patients with confirmed case, 2 tests with an interval of 6-7 days between them
  • Asymptomatic institutionalized persons, including chronic psychiatric patients with a duration of hospitalization greater than one month, at the time of hospitalization, persons in prisons, upon admission to the unit and subsequently. In this case, the INSP recommends testing twice a month with RT-PCR tests or four times a month with rapid antigenic tests.
  • Residential care staff, chronic psychiatric wards, and prison staff
  • Asymptomatic pregnant women who are in home quarantine / isolation or have been in direct contact with a confirmed case, on day 14, if they have not presented symptoms
  • Asymptomatic direct contact of medical and auxiliary personnel with a confirmed case, within 5-7 days from the last possible infectious contact.

Ptest rolls for doctors

Medical units may establish test protocols for medical personnel and / or patients using RT-PCR techniques, in addition to these recommendations, which may be carried out with their own resources, in their own laboratories or in other laboratories.

Ministries with their own health network can establish test protocols for their own staff, depending on the particularities of the activity.

In these cases, the health units will carry out their own epidemiological investigation and will adopt measures to limit the infection, actions that are the direct responsibility of the manager. The epidemiological investigation report will be sent within 24 hours to the public health office of the region to which the case belongs.

Editing: Monica Bonea
