The day the PSD blows up the budget. Parliament’s committees have adopted a 40% increase in pensions and other measures with budgetary impact


Parliamentarians from Parliament’s joint finance and budget committees voted to increase pensions by 40%. 20 votes in favor. It was voted to repeal the article of the state budget law that provides for an increase of only 14% in pensions, instead of 40%. If the form adopted in the commissions also passes the vote in plenary, the pensions must be increased by 40%. The Liberals did not participate in the commission meeting, the only one who voted against the PSD amendments was USR deputy Claudiu Năsui.

The amendment that postpones the increase in teacher salaries until 2021 is also amended. And in the case of this amendment, if the law approves the vote in plenary, scheduled for next week, the law that increases teachers’ salaries as of September 1, 2020..

Another amendment to the state budget law is the allocation of an amount of 400 million lei for the Start Up Nation program.

Last but not least, the commissions increased by 1.5 billion lei the amounts deducted from value added tax for 2020 to finance local budget expenditures. Thus, the amount provided by the government to 2.1 billion was increased to 3.6 billion lei.

Former PSD Labor Minister Marius Budai stated at the commission meeting that if the government increases the minimum wage and employs 2 million people, it will be able to support raising pensions by 40%.

“Dear liberal colleagues, we have more than 2 million unemployed workers. Create jobs. We will have greater contributions. Increase the minimum wage and the last solution that we give PSD, recover the arrears that have increased by more than 10 billion this year. The amounts Therefore, they are insured. Vote for this amendment so that our parents and grandparents can enjoy their pensions, “said Budai.

Former Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici also spoke at committee discussions.

“As a former finance minister, I say that resources can be found and this law can be applied,” said Teodorovici.

USR MP Claudiu Năsui was the only MP who voted against the amendments imposed by the PSD, since the Liberals did not attend the meeting. The NLP strategy was to be absent from the work of the commission so as not to ensure the quorum of the meeting so as not to convene the commission. Parliamentarians from the PMP and UDMR were also absent, but in the end the PSD managed to gather enough parliamentarians so that the work of the commission could be carried out.

“I don’t think anyone is surprised that all Romanian economists consider this impact unbearable. If we look very little at the figures, we already have a deficit of 4.7% in July and it is expected to reach almost 10%. This country will only be able to pay these pensions in one way, increasing taxes. No country in the world has grown 40% from one month to the next without finding a gold and oil resource. What will happen if the law goes into effect? Massive loans in the internal or external market. This amendment cannot turn into a good thing for Romania, “declared Năsui, in the committee’s work.

The plenary session in which the senators and deputies will vote on the report of the specialized committees is scheduled for next week.

Editing: Robert Kiss
