The day that Europe closes again. France and Germany have announced quarantine measures


The French president will call meetings to review how the country deals with the coronavirus pandemic, the Elysee Palace said.

The government is considering what new restrictions should be imposed amid what experts call a “brutal” second wave of COVID-19 infections. Two thirds of the French population are already in quarantine at night.

Prime Minister Jean Castex said the “new measures” were “essential”. “Difficult decisions are to be expected,” Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said.


“The measures are tough,” Merkel said in Berlin on Wednesday after consultations with regional leaders.

“These are onerous measures,” acknowledged the chancellor, but they aim to restore public life in Germany, for the most part, in December. Merkel announced that two weeks after the new measures come into force, federal states will be consulted again on the measures that should come into force or be modified.

The restrictions go into effect on Monday, November 2.

New restrictions:

  • Restaurants and bars will be closed, except
  • Important events will be canceled again
  • Unnecessary travel is discouraged
  • The hotels will be closed except in cases of emergency.
  • Everyone who can work from home should, and employers should ease the transition to working from home.
  • Public gatherings will be limited to just two households for up to 10 people total.
  • Entertainment facilities such as theaters and cinemas will be closed.
  • Public recreation centers such as swimming pools, gyms and saunas will be closed.

What is allowed

  • Schools and kindergartens will remain open
  • Religious processions will continue safely (decision made for constitutional reasons)
  • The stores will remain open, with a customer allowed for 10 square meters.

Financial support measures

Merkel has promised that companies affected by the new measures will receive financial support. Companies with up to 50 employees and the self-employed will receive 75% of their income in support.

“We will compensate the affected companies, institutions and clubs,” he said.

According to media reports, a total of 10 billion euros has been allocated for support.

Support for larger companies will be based on EU support rules and will vary from company to company.

France general quarantine

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced that the general quarantine will be restored from Friday, in the context of the large number of coronavirus cases, although schools will remain open.

“We have decided that the quarantine will have to be reestablished throughout the country as of Friday. Schools will remain open, work can continue, centers for the elderly can be visited. As in the spring, it will be possible to leave homes to go to work, go to the doctor, provide assistance to a loved one, go to classes or take a breath near the house. We return to the statements for leaving home. The bars and restaurants remain closed, “said Emmanuel Macron.

“Although the efforts made have been useful, lucidity forces us to admit that they are not enough. The virus is circulating in France at a speed that not even the most pessimistic forecasts could anticipate. (…) Like our neighbors” We are deeply affected by the sudden acceleration of the epidemic, by a virus that seems to be gaining strength as winter approaches. We are all surprised in Europe by the evolution of the virus. In this context, my responsibility is to protect all the French and take it on. “” Despite the controversy, “Emmanuel Macron said, according to Le Monde and Le Figaro.

What are our objectives? Protect the elderly, the most vulnerable. Age is an important factor, 85% of the dead are over 70 years old. We also have a goal to protect young people, given that 35% of people in resuscitation are under 35 years old. (…) We will never allow hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens to die, “Macron said.

“I do not believe in the opposition between health and the economy that some people want to establish,” argued the French president.

Macron said the epidemic would be assessed every two weeks. “If in two weeks we have the situation under control, we will be able to reassess things and we hope to reopen certain stores, especially in this very important period, before the Christmas holidays,” Macron emphasized.

Initial news

In Germany, Angela Merkel’s government will hold an emergency meeting with regional leaders. Media reports have suggested that the chancellor is considering an “easy quarantine”: closing bars and restaurants, banning public gatherings, but keeping schools open.

If the new restrictions apply, people will only be able to go out in public in groups of up to two houses. The sanctions to apply have not yet been set.

Although the authorities have tried to avoid a lockdown that would hit the country’s economy hard, recent epidemic events are raising the alarm. Angela Merkel warned on Tuesday that Germany’s healthcare system could soon reach a tipping point, and Economy Minister Peter Altmaier said Germany is likely to reach 20,000 new infections a day by the end of the week.

In the Czech Republic, the night quarantine goes into effect on Wednesday between 9:00 PM and 5:00 AM.

In Switzerland, the government reported 8,616 new infections and 24 deaths. Cases have risen sharply in the country since early October.

The new cases brought the total confirmed in Switzerland and Liechtenstein to 135,658 cases and 1,954 deaths. The government will meet today to consider new restrictions to curb the spread of the virus.

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