The current situation of the markets in Bucharest: which ones remain open and what solutions have the mayors of each sector found – Local Administration


In Bucharest, most of the markets that operated indoors are relocated to parking lots, sidewalks or other outdoor spaces. There are also some cases in which the walls can be raised, so that they continue their activity, with additional measures of distance, as an example is the Plaza Obor in Sector 2. The mayor of Sector 1, Clotilde Armand, announced that the Plaza will reopen Amzei, and the mayors of sectors 3 and 6, Robert Negoiță and Ciprian Ciucu, announce that they will make more flying markets.

Sector 1

In Sector 1, all indoor markets move to the parking lot or sidewalk. Only the Plaza Domenii, which operated abroad and until now remains the same.

“We had a meeting on Saturday about the Sector 1 markets. No market that was operating indoors remains open this way, the stalls will move abroad. In time, the situation is as follows. The Matache room is closed, the stalls will be removed from the room, initially in front of the room, and in the medium term we have identified a parking lot next to the plaza to put them there. At 1 Mai Square, some of the stalls can be placed next to the shops, about 20, but also on the back sidewalk, which is very wide. Domenii Market is an open market and it will function as such, we only delimit the flows. The Plaza 16 de Febrero is given in concession, we could only recommend, we can provide a space to remove the positions. In Băneasa Square, the plateau next to the square will be made available, which was handed over to the nearby school for expansion, but works have not started. Because it is a generous space, we will invite other producers to come there ”, Oliver Păiu leader, leader of the USR-PLUS councilors of the Sector 1 City Council, told

Mayor Clotilde Armand announced on her Facebook page that she will also open Plaza Amzei.

“We reopened the building and the parking lot in Amzei Square. I visited the abandoned building in Amzei Square. The complex belongs to the Sector 1 Market Administration and cost more than 13 million euros. The building has not been used for more than 15 years. I think many Bucharestians have no idea that there is an unused underground car park here. I assumed that I would reopen this complex and I would. I invite you to see what the famous abandoned building looks like now, “wrote the mayor on his website. Facebook.

Sector 2

In Sector 2, 5 markets remain open: Obor, Delfinului, Cremenița, Galați Square and Dobroiești.

“4 markets remain open in our sector, all of which worked and were not transformed into something else. Obor still worked today, Dolphin Square closes from the inside, only the area where the glass walls can be opened will remain, and the rest of the stalls will be moved to the parking lot. Cremenița Square will also be moved to the parking lot, as well as Galați Square, and Dobroiești Square was left outside anyway, on a platform, so it remains open, “Radu Mihaiu, Mayor of Sector 2, told

For Obor, which will continue to operate practically indoors, the solution has been found to keep the glass walls permanently elevated so that the space is ventilated.

“The measures implemented in recent days have ensured freer and more orderly transit routes, keeping distance and security high enough to keep Plaza Obor open. Today the walls of the new room are going up. The Local and National Police regularly patrol all areas of the market. Merchants also warn customers that they sometimes break the rules. Work is still ongoing to expand the entrances to the platform at Obor Square. It turned out that it was possible. And we will have to make this effort together every day, for the health of all. What impressed me most about this story is that when the story seemed impossible to work out in their favor, most of those in the market were very understanding. They were willing to take out all their merchandise overnight, to withstand the cold, to do whatever was necessary to continue safely, ”wrote the mayor of Sector 2 on his Facebook page.

Sector 3

In Sector 3, Bucharest residents can now shop at 3 markets: Sălăjan, Râmnicu Sărat, and the Nerva Traian Flyer.

We have some problems with some markets leased for many years, we are in the process with them. These are Miniș, Trapezului and Iosif Albu Square. But the most important markets, Sălăjan and Râmnicu Sărat, have an outside part, which will remain open. We also have a flying market in Nerva Traian / Unirii. We were trying to make two more flying markets where there is a deficit, we are looking for solutions ”, said Mayor Robert Negoiță for

Sector 4

Piata Sudului moves to the ground floor of the nearby multi-storey car park, Piata Progresu on the roof of the car park and Piaţa Apăratorii Patriei on a nearby platform, where the lamb fair is organized.

“The Sector 4 City Council comes in support of the public buyer and producer of seasonal fruits and vegetables and announces that in a maximum of 48 hours they will have new spaces for the sale of products, close to the markets. Therefore, the producers who rented stalls in the new southern market will be relocated to the flying market that the local administration will have on the ground floor of the multi-family car park located a few meters away. The alternative for the sales spaces in Plaza Progresul will be the parking lot on the roof of the plaza on Giurgiului Road, and as for the Plaza Defensora de la Patria, the sales area will be located nearby, on the site of the old fair. of the lamb. The producers of the Clouds and New Times markets will have as an alternative location for sale the parking lot located on Secerei Street, near the National Children’s Palace, and those of the Berceni-Olteniței Square will have, for the sale of products, the ground floor parking. behind the market headquarters, on Tulnici street. At the same time, the producers of the Străduinței square will be relocated to the parking lot close to it, ”announced the Sector 4 City Council since Sunday.

As for the stores located in markets of Sector 4, of sale other than the sale of fruits and vegetables, they will remain open, with the obligation of the market managers to establish new entry / exit circuits, so that the new regulations. specific information on how to limit new coronavirus infections.

Sector 5

The mayor’s office presided over by mayor Cristian Popescu Piedone did not present a clear situation, only in Rahova square were the positions removed.

“I paid a working visit to Rahova Square tonight to make sure that all the rules imposed by the authorities will be respected. Those in Rahova Square organized and took out the stalls, because from tomorrow the markets that held their activity in the interior. The Local Police of Sector 5 will closely monitor how things are going in this market, because we want to avoid incidents and not give fines, only when the situation requires it. The most important thing is to prevent and inform citizens about the risks to which they are exposed if they do not follow the regulations, especially from the point of view of health. I want all the inhabitants of Sector 5 to be able to continue buying vegetables and fruits directly from the producers, but we must do everything possible in our power to limit the spread of COVID-19, ”Mayor Piedone wrote on his Facebook page at the end of the weekend.

Sector 6

Mayor Ciprian Ciucu presented on his Facebook page the situation with which markets will remain open and under what conditions:

  • “Valea Ialomiței” Square. It is a closed market, the 60 stalls were relocated on Monday to the parking lot above ground, with the provision of additional measures (routes, etc.);
  • Horizon Square. It is open (in open space), it stays open. There are free stalls, you can receive producers from other markets: 44 stalls;
  • Plaza “Oeste”. It is open (in open space), it remains open – 44 stalls;
  • “Giulești” square. It is open (in open space), it stays open – 6 stalls.

Situation of the markets managed by private operators:

  • “Crângași” square. It is a closed market, the 48 stalls will be relocated in the parking lot and in the parking lot on line 41 of the tram. It will be operational from Tuesday, November 10.
  • The “Drumul Taberei 1” plaza is a closed plaza, the 60 stalls will be relocated on the side plateau and on the sidewalk in front of the plaza and partially in the parking lot.
  • The “Drumul Taberei 2” square is a closed market, it seems that the operator does not want to move the stalls in the adjacent parking lot. Anyway, we, the City Council, will arrange for the growers who want, stalls and in the adjacent parking lot. If the operator changes his mind, I invite him to temporarily move the stalls to the adjoining parking lot, ”Ciucu wrote.
  • “Chilia Veche” Square. It is managed by Carrefour as a supermarket, it remains open.
  • “Politehnicii” Iuliu Maniu Square. It is managed by Lidl in supermarket mode, it remains open.
  • “Lidl – Crângași” square. It is managed by Lidl in supermarket mode, it remains open.
  • The “Veterans I” market is partially open, it can work partially. It will be established together with the National Police, which are the parties that will continue to function.
  • The “Veterans II” market may partially function. It will be established together with the National Police, which are the parties that will continue to function.
  • Gorjului Square. Stalls can operate in the access aisle, which is generous. It will be established together with the National Police, which are the parties that will continue to function.

“Apart from these situations and solutions identified at this time, I will monitor the situation and find adjacent solutions. We are also working on solving the air markets, now we are evaluating the opportunity to open them in the different locations that we have as options ”, Ciprian Ciucu also wrote on his Facebook page.
