The COVID vaccine has reached several hospitals in the country. Physician reactions after receiving the serum.


Thousands of medical personnel across the country will be immunized in the coming days at COVID hospitals across the country. In Bucharest, in addition to “Matei Balș”, and at the “Victor Babeș” Hospital, vaccination began.

Those who are already immunized have received the doses in the hope that in a few months they can get rid of the fear of infecting their loved ones.

Vaccine carts went to COVID hospitals in eight counties.

In Timişoara, 415 members of the Victor Babeş Hospital medical staff were waiting for this day.

Cristian Oancea, manager of the “Victor Babeș” Hospital in Timişoara: “I had some emotions, I really am multi-allergic asthma, but still the vaccine went well and there are no side effects.”

260 sera were sent to Iasi and the first immunized medical personnel went to the Hospital for Infectious Diseases.

Florin Roșu, director of the Hospital for Infectious Diseases “Sfânta Parascheva” Iași: “I can only feel lucky. Today we will vaccinate about 50 members of the medical staff.”

375 doses of vaccine arrived at the Cluj Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases. The medical director thought during the immunization of a woman who was intubated after giving birth to twins.

Violeta Briciu, Medical Director: “Here with me we are the first 5 vaccinated at the Cluj Infectious Diseases Clinical Hospital. We’re all fine “.

The first doctors were also vaccinated in Craiova. 90 doses were distributed in the first phase to Dolj County.

Georgescu Adriana, physician: “I thought of Pasteur, who 200 years ago made a vaccine, as he did in the conditions that they were and saved thousands of lives.”

In Constanța, the first doctor to be vaccinated is the epidemiologist Sorin Rugină, who recalled another memorable moment: the vaccination against smallpox in 1972.

Sorin Rugina, epidemiologist at Constan Cona Hospital for Infectious Diseases: “I had the opportunity to get vaccinated in the second year. Here comes another historic moment after almost 50 years, with another technology that we have to trust.”

In Baia Mare, 100 members of the medical staff have already been vaccinated and the first vaccinated by lottery have been established.

Kristina Cucu, doctor: “For all of us, these months that are so many, every day has been stressful, worrying for our patients and colleagues.”

A year has passed since the pandemic broke out in the world and Europe has so far accounted for 16 million infections and 400,000 lives lost. Here, the community bloc announces that that exciting time has arrived, when there is a solid reason to hope that everything is well, once vaccination begins throughout the Union.

With 2,000 new cases in the last 24 hours and another 122 deaths, Romania has reached 615,000 infections and 15,200 deaths.
