The Court of Appeal ruled! The mask is not mandatory outdoors in public spaces! The announcement made by the authorities


The mask is not mandatory outdoors in public spaces! The decision is not yet final and can be challenged. Thus, the provisions of art. 4 point 15 of the Order of the Head of the Department of Emergency Situations no. 4660427 of 12.17.2020.

The Court of Appeal ruled! The mask is not mandatory outdoors in public spaces! The announcement made by the authorities

“It partially cancels the provisions of art. 4 point 15 of the Order of the Head of the Department of Emergency Situations no. 4660427 of 12.17.2020, published in Official Gazette no. 1257 of December 18, 2020, regarding the establishment of the obligation to wear a protective mask in open spaces, in the sense of removing the phrase “… and open”. Appeal Bucharest – Section IX Administrative and Tax Litigation. Delivered in public session today, December 23, 2020 ”, is the decision of the CAB.

The trial was opened by a citizen, Ion Minodora, unhappy at having to wear a mask in open public spaces.

Who challenged the decision in court. The announcement that made Romanians happy

“Uraaaaaa! Uraaaaaa! Uraaaaaa! I won the lawsuit with Arafat in the first instance. I can’t believe it. The court ruled that the measure requiring the use of a mask in open spaces is illegal. The solution can be appealed within the 2 days after the communication of the decision, ”wrote lawyer Minodora Ion on Facebook.

She challenged in court the provisions of art. 4 point 15 of the Order of the Head of the Department of Emergency Situations no. 4660427 of 12.17.2020, published in Official Gazette no. 1257 of December 18, 2020, regarding the establishment of the obligation to wear a protective mask in open spaces, and the Court of Appeals decided to withdraw the phrase “… and open”.

Lawyer Iulian Urban, a former senator, asks the new Minister of Health, Vlad Voiculescu, to remove Raed Arafat, even though the head of DSU is Secretary of State in the Interior Ministry.

“The judges of the Bucharest Court of Appeal are the last defenders of law, order and the rule of law in Romania! Minister of Health Vlad Voiculescu, after the decision of the judges of the Bucharest Court of Appeal, is forced to remove Raed Arafat from any public office, who willfully violated the constitutional order! The Romanian state is obliged to return to the Romanians the money given for the masks, to return the money given to them for the fines that were applied to them for not using masks in open spaces, ”writes Urban on Facebook.

Read also: How to reduce the risk of COVID infection if we have guests at the Christmas table. Raed Arafat: “Let’s open the windows, wear a mask and keep our distance”
