The county that maintains, for five days, zero the number of cases of COVID-19 infection


Brăila County has kept the number of cases of COVID-19 infection at zero for five days, the latest patients infected with the new type of coronavirus were declared cured and released on May 9, according to Agerpres.

At the county level, 188 people are monitored in institutionalized quarantine and 279 in voluntary isolation in their homes, according to information released Thursday by the prefect’s institution.

In addition, 5,244 people emerged from self-isolation at the end of the 14 days and 905 people received epidemiological approvals to exit the institutionalized quarantine.

According to the DSP report, the 22 positively confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the county were declared cured and discharged.

Regarding sanctions, according to IPJ Brăila, in the last 24 hours, more than 214 specific missions have been carried out, in the context of preventing and combating the spread of COVID-19, the way to observe travel measures and prohibitions in In the case of 302 people and 25 business units, they were subjected to controls to guarantee the suspension of the activity.

Therefore, after the activities carried out, 38 infringement sanctions were applied, in a total of more than 21,000 lei, for acts committed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Police also found a person who failed to comply with the isolation measure at home, who was taken to a quarantine center for a period of 14 days.

Publisher: I. I.
