The country that wants to resume soccer and will do so with the spectators. The plan devised in the smallest detail.


A well-developed plan, which should be approved in the coming days, ensures that in China Soccer can be resumed with spectators in the stands! The representatives of the federation have already presented a project that announces that the season can start in May 2020. In addition, they have presented ideas that they want the public to have access to the matches. They did not consider playing with the stands closed or reducing the number of games.

However, a final decision will not be made until next week, according to southern China.

But there is also a big problem and this is caused by the large number of foreign players actively participating in the Chinese championship. They cannot return at this time due to restrictions imposed by the authorities.

The Chinese have officially announced two great buildings after the victory over COVID-19. Project of 1,500 million euros

Chinese real estate group Evergrande, team owner Guangzhou Evergrande, the defending soccer champion, announced Monday that will build two 80,000-seat stadiums, without specifying the cities in China where the sands will be built, according to AFP.

“Evergrande plans to build two soccer stadiums with a capacity of 80,000 seats each and invites the public to choose two projects from the six preliminary plans.”, announced the real estate developer on social media.

Evergrande Group to build two 80,000-seat stadiums in China

Evergrande did not specify the location or timing of these future construction sites.

The group founded by billionaire Xu Jiayin, one of the wealthiest Chinese, has just launched the project to build a 100,000-seat stadium for Guangzhou Evergrande, a team trained by Italian Fabio Cannavaro.

Tags: china football , Evergrande , china championship , covid-19 , coronavirus pandemic
