The countdown begins: a divided UK leaves the EU orbit and enters the unknown called Brexit – Source news


The UK left the European Union on Thursday night, turning its back on a tumultuous 48-year relationship with the European project and stepping into the uncertain future of Brexit that will influence the fates of the British people for generations to come writes Reuters in a statement. comment, according to

Basically, Brexit takes place at midnight in Brussels, at 23:00 local time (and GMT) in London, which is when the UK de facto ends the transition period that continued after London officially left. the community block on January 31.

For five years, the wild swings of the Brexit crisis have dominated European affairs, sent shivers down the financial markets and damaged the UK’s reputation as a trusted pillar of Western political and economic stability.

Promoted by its supporters at the dawn of a newly independent “global Britain”, Brexit has weakened the connections between England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, a $ 3 trillion economy.

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“Brexit is not the end, but the beginning,” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, 56, told parliament just hours before the London legislature approved a trade deal with the EU.

In the referendum on June 23, 2016, 17.4 million voters, or 52%, voted for Brexit, while 16.1 million (48%) voted for the UK to remain in the EU. . Since then, few have changed their minds. England and Wales voted for Brexit, while Scotland and Northern Ireland voted for the kingdom to remain in the EU.

The referendum highlighted a division of the United Kingdom far beyond what strictly referred to the European Union and fueled introspection on various fronts, from secession to immigration to capitalism, empire and what it means to be British in the era modern.

Leaving the EU was once a far too distant dream of a motley group of ‘Eurosceptics’ on the fringes of the British political scene: the UK joined the EU in 1973 as ‘the sick of Europe’, and two decades ago British leaders quarreled. whether or not to join the euro.

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For its supporters, Brexit is a way out of a failed project dominated by Germany that has lagged far behind the world’s two great powers, the United States and China. Opponents say Brexit is insane that will weaken the West, shatter what remains of the UK’s global influence, undermine its economy and ultimately turn the kingdom into a series of lesser islands. cosmopolitan.

After the UK leaves the European single market and customs union on Thursday, there are very likely disruptions at the border. More bureaucracy means higher costs for those who import and export goods along the EU-UK border. Giving up nearly half a century of membership means changing absolutely everything from pet passports to British car driving rules in Europe.

Support for Scottish independence has risen, partly due to Brexit and partly due to COVID-19, which threatens the 300-year political union between England and Scotland. Scottish leader Nicola Sturgeon said a referendum on Scottish independence should take place in the early part of the next parliamentary session, which begins next year.
