The coronavirus can fundamentally change football. The British proposal for the resumption of the Premier League


The coronavirus epidemic is changing the world we knew. Sport is also not immune to change.

The image of the article Coronavirus can fundamentally change football. The British proposal for the resumption of the Premier League

The coronavirus can fundamentally change football. The British proposal for the resumption of the Premier League

At the moment, all the main sporting events, whether national or international, have stopped. English officials are thinking that when it is decided to resume the Premier League, a basic football rule will be changed.

Gordon Taylor, executive president of the Professional Football League, launched into the public space the idea that tickets could be shortened, reports the BBC. The English official suggests that the rounds, which traditionally lasted 45 minutes, be shortened to protect players.

Taylor said the footballers are awaiting the resumption of the Premier League, but are also concerned about his health.

“They are not stupid. They want all security measures,” Gordon Taylor told BBC Radio 4.

According to the BBC, a preliminary date for the resumption of the Premier League would be June 8.

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