The company that was supposed to deliver the masks for disadvantaged people threatens the Government with demanding compensation if the contract is terminated


Naguma Medical Supply SRL, which is supposed to deliver 110 million masks for disadvantaged people, announced in a press release that it has delivered 50 million masks and that the remaining 110 million will be delivered by the weekend. future, although the Minister of Health, Nelu Tătaru, warned yesterday that the company only has two days left to fulfill its obligations, otherwise the contract will be terminated.

“Naguma Medical Supply, part of the InteRo group, has already delivered almost 50 million 3 PLY masks as part of the contract signed on August 11 with the Ministry of Health, and the remaining 53 million masks for disadvantaged Romanians will be delivered by a end of next week, ”the press release shows.

The company threatens the government with demanding penalties of 66 million lei if the Ministry of Health terminates the contract.

“Although so far we have not received any official notification from the Ministry about possible dissatisfaction with the delay in deliveries, we were surprised by the recent statements by Minister Nelu Tătaru that would take into account the termination of the contract. We mentioned that we have in contact with a clause that provides a grace period of 15 days from receipt of such notification prior to legitimate termination. Any unilateral decision involving breach of this clause carries penalties of RON 66 million. Our teams work continuously and we guarantee that we will comply with our contractual obligations by the end of next week, “said Michael Topolinski, founder of the company.

The company of businessman Michael Topolinski was also summoned by the Ministry of Health to comply with its obligations, because it exceeded the deadlines for submitting the guarantee, and has currently exceeded the contractual deadlines.

The first masks were delivered by Naguma Medical Supply SRL only on August 24, after the Ministry of Health ordered the company to comply with the contractual provisions.

The Minister of Health, Nelu Tătaru, declared on Digi24 on Tuesday that the company that won the competition for sanitary masks for disadvantaged categories, Naguma Medical Supply, only has two more days to deliver the total amount. Otherwise, the contract will be terminated.

METhe masks should be distributed within two days. reif not then we will have a termination with the company with which we currently have the contract and will come Following firmComplicated“Tataru said.

TAttaru said the grace period for the company that won the tender is September 3.

reif we do not have the total amount at that time, we go to the second of the 11 who signed the framework contract. Promisiuni I had from all companies that they will assumea at the time I senda, But it was not like that. reif these deadlines are not met, they are rescinded that contract, following that Business who is in the second position to bring More expensive If not oh let’s go to the third company“said the Minister of Health.

Editor: Robert Kiss
