The City Council of the capital has completed the works on the Pasaje Ciurel / Drivers can drive on the bridge from Saturday – Local Administration


The Capital Mayor’s Office has completed the works of the Ciurel Passage and traffic on the bridge will be open on Saturday, the Mayor of the Capital, Gabriela Firea, announced this Thursday. The works of the passage began in 2010 and had a completion deadline in December 2014, and the inauguration comes with a delay of more than 6 years. The pass is part of the advance towards the A1 highway, an alternative to bd. Iuliu Maniu, but the rest of the project was not built, so although it cost 240 million lei, in the current phase it is practically a turn to the left and solves only the problem of those who come from the Path of Virtue and enter Splaiul Independenței or vice versa. You cannot go on, the passage stops at Amilcar Săndulescu street, which leads nowhere.

To smooth traffic on Virtue Road, the road section between the bridge and Ring Road must be built. The project was approved in the General Council, as well as the expropriation corridor, but the expropriations were not carried out due to lack of money, requiring 50 million lei.

Furthermore, it is debatable whether it will be possible to make the section between the ring road and the A1 motorway because it is located on the territory of Ilfov county.

“I am pleased to announce that the largest infrastructure work in the country, the Ciurel Bridge – Node of Virtues, has been completed, but I am obliged to tell you the losses suffered by the people of Bucharest, you will see who blocked this project that should have be ready many years ago, a project that started 14 years ago that was blocked in the courts 10 years ago. Apart from the loss of this precious time for citizens and those who transit through the capital, it is also about economic losses because almost 10 million euros were lost for builders who could not work or work with the slowdown due to these processes. It has only been possible to work steadily for 4 years. Traffic opens on Saturday, ”declared Mayor Gabriela Firea in an interview on Facebook.

Mayor Gabriela Firea blames one of the local citizens who tried to block the bridge in court for the delays because it was being built very close to her home. Gabriela Firea says that the citizen is one of the founders of the Save Bucharest association and a friend of Nicușor Dan, and the lawsuits presented by them caused the municipality to lose 10 million euros.

“The delays are not caused by bureaucracy, by private developers who have not done their job, by mayors who have not been energetic and involved. When I took office as mayor, only 10% of this project was completed. 90% has been achieved in these 4 years. There is a house near the Ciurel bridge. It is still there, a house called the pink house, valued at almost 1 million euros, with an anti-atomic bunker, which is owned by a former founder of the Save Bucharest Association, a colleague and friend of Mr. Nicusor Dan, is Mr. Danes. He, together with the association and supported by Mr. Nicușor Dan, sued PMB several times so that the Ciurel bridge was not built. First they asked for the construction permit to be revoked, they did not succeed but some years were lost, then they asked that the PUZ of Sector 6 be annulled in court, they did not succeed, but some years were lost. A project that must be completed in 2-3 years has been completed in 14 years, ”Gabriela Firea also said.

The works in the passage were blocked for several years in court due to disputes with the citizens of the area, including Mihai Daneș, but they accused several abuses committed by the City Council of the capital.

The Ciurel Passage is made up of a hoban bridge, with 9 ramps and two passages above ground level.

“We are not talking about a useless work, this great work is over and we will continue”, Gabriela Firea also said.

Unkept promises

A statement issued by the City Council of the capital in early April 2019 showed that the draft budget for the current year envisaged the Penetration of the Splaiul Independenței – Ciurel – Bucharest – Pitești – Nodul Virtuții motorway for about 11 million euros, and the work will be completed by the end of 2019.

In another statement issued at the beginning of 2019, the representatives of the Capital City Council stated that the delays of recent years have been recovered, and the project has gone from 13% to 90%. The mayor Gabriela Firea and the representatives of the Capital City Hall announced several times during 2018 that the Ciurel Passage will be ready in November 2018, a term assumed by the construction company. However, on October 15, 2018, after a visit to the site, Mayor Gabriela Firea posted on her Facebook page that Ciurel’s passage is 90% complete.

The Ciurel Passage is part of the Ciurel Piercing – Virtue Road Node. The total value of the project is 128 million euros.
The city council of the capital began the works of the highway to the Bucharest-Pitesti highway in 2010 and, according to the documents presented at that time, the 8.3 km artery would have connected the Splaiul Independenței and the A1 highway. The tender for the execution of the work was won by the JV Bogl – Astaldi – Euroconstruct – Technology consortium and Project Bucharest, with an estimated completion period of 35 months, from the beginning of the work, respectively in 2014.

The works were stopped a few months after they started, both due to litigation and financial reasons. In 2014 they were resumed, but we work with the speed of the snail. Mayor Gabriela Firea says that when she took over the work, it was at 13%. According to Mayor Gabriela Firea, the reasons for the blockade were as follows: no payments were made to the construction company, the municipal networks did not move, and the archaeological discharge took a long time.

Litigation with citizens

The passage works were blocked for several years in the courts due to disputes with citizens of the area, including Mihai Daneó, who accused various abuses committed by the City Council.

For example, on October 30, 2015, the Bucharest Court annulled the building permit issued by the City Council of the capital for the construction of the passage, but the decision was not final. “The Court orders the cancellation of the work license nº 2 / 27.01.2014 issued by PMB. It orders the cancellation of the works executed based on the work license number 2 / 01.27.2014 With an appeal within 15 days following the communication ”, it is shown on the portal of the trial courts. The process was started by a local landowner, Danes Mihai, unhappy with the fact that the foot of the bridge rises just a few meters from his property. “I am not dissatisfied because they do not expropriate me, but because my life and that of my family is disturbed by illegal actions that are excused by the ‘public’ interest to the detriment of my interest,” Mihai Danes told at the time . On appeal, in April 2016, the City Council of the capital won the lawsuit.

Mihai Danes won in court, in July 2012, the cancellation of the first authorization to build the passage, issued by the municipality as a matter of urgency, although it was not an emergency. In November 2013, the sentence became final. The mayor’s office did not take into account the court’s decision and issued another authorization, continuing the works, the Danes also attacked him in court, and in early 2014 the third was issued, on the basis of which work is already underway. , but that was also canceled a few days ago.

In February 2013, the Zonal Urban Plan that established the route of the road was suspended in court by a group of citizens of the area who did not agree with this project. The Bucharest Court annulled on November 4, 2014 the Zonal Urban Plan that establishes the route of the expressway to Highway A1, which would start from Ciurel and reach the highway, beyond the ring road. The Ciurel Passage is also included in this PUZ. The lawsuit was filed by several families that own properties on the route of this artery. The sentence is not final. At the beginning of 2016, the Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal of the Capital City Council and definitively annulled the Urban Zonal Plan that established the route of the expressway to the A1 Highway.

Citizens of the area and civil society have repeatedly stated that they are opposed to the project for the following reasons:

– It’s useless, there are cheaper options that could be done much faster. Among the solutions are the realization of a great advance that continues from the Preciziei street to the ring road of the Capital, the realization of a great advance in the Liniei street, where there is an abandoned railway and where there would be no need for expropriations to make the road towards the ring road. Another solution would be to make a breakthrough in the continuation of the Timișoara Boulevard, it would be a few hundred meters to the belt and it could be done very quickly All these alternative routes would lead to the decongestion of the Iuliu Maniu Boulevard, without the need for this project megalomaniac (the highway to the A1 motorway, no. ”, said Víctor Rausse, one of the citizens affected by the project.

– It will not lead to the solution of traffic problems, crowding the center of the Capital. “This PUZ really decongests Iuliu Maniu Blvd., but it will lead all traffic to the center of the Capital, because drivers coming from the A1 and the ring road will cross the Ciurel bridge, go through Splaiul Independenței and pass through the area of the Union towards the Bucharest – Constanța highway. In addition, the highway will create a major discharge on the Virtuții highway, a major thoroughfare that connects Camp Road with the north of the Capital, “Rausse also declared.

– it passes only 7 meters from the Roșu water plant, where there are huge pools of water that will pollute the smog from cars on the road.

– The project does not have a traffic study, the only study in this regard being JICA, a study carried out by the Japanese in 2000 and which does not recommend this project as a viable solution.

Who is Mihai Danes, the citizen who sued the City Council

In the 2016 local elections, Mihai Danes ran on behalf of the Save Bucharest Union for the position of Mayor of Sector 6. In the period 2016-2019 he was a councilor of the political party in the Sector 6 City Council. According to his CV data , has the following professional experience:

– 2012-present: teaching activity at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Spiru Haret Bucharest

– 1997-present: teaching activity, Faculty of Biotechnology – University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest

– 2003-2013: Director of the International Relations Department, A&S International Group

– 1992-2001: Director of the Laboratory for Disease Diagnosis Director of the Production Department “Instituto Pasteur” Bucharest

– 1984-2003: Production of vaccines and veterinary drugs

– 2015: Member of the Scientific Council of ANSVSA * Bucharest

– 2012: Full member of the Bucharest Academy of Agricultural and Forest Sciences.

– 1994-2002: Member of the Scientific Council of the SN Institut Pasteur Bucharest

– 1994-2001: Membru Research Group FAO-UN, European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease

– 1997-2000: Member of the Board of Directors of the Pasteur Institute of Bucharest

– 1987: “Traian Săvulescu” Award from the Romanian Academy in 1987


– 1995: Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine
– 1982: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest.
