The child with COVID admitted to intensive care feels better


The child infected by the new coronavirus who is admitted to intensive care at the “Victor Gomoiu” Hospital in the Capital feels better. He was still breathing with an oxygen mask, but was eating, which had never happened before, and even took a few steps across the room, reports the Digi24 correspondent.

The girl, almost 10 years old, had a serious complication, multisystemic inflammatory syndrome, which although it is found in other viral infections, in Romania was the first to appear in a girl infected with SARS-CoV-2. In fact, she is the first child patient to need intensive care.

The child hospitalized in “Victor Gomoiu” is 9 years and 11 months old and did not suffer from any other illness. Doctors believe he contracted COVID from his parents three weeks ago, but was not tested at the time because he was asymptomatic.

The boy first arrived at the Buzau Emergency Reception Unit, where the COVID test came back negative. He had a headache and fever. When he was transferred to the Capital, with suspicion of meningoencephalitis, the test was repeated and this time it was positive.

Doctors say that this severe form of the disease, a multisystem inflammatory system, occurs only 2 to 4 weeks after SARS-CoV-2 infection, even in asymptomatic children, but it is not known exactly what causes it. Cases have been reported all over the world, especially in Western countries, but they remain extremely rare. But experts recommend careful monitoring of children even after they have been cured of COVID.

The “Gomoiu” child has especially acute inflammation in the lungs and heart. You will continue to be hospitalized in this hospital, but the doctors here also work with doctors from other hospitals to find the best treatment scheme.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
