The changes that Alexandru Rafila would make from the position of Minister of Health: ‘There are three main elements at which level we must act’ – News sources


Professor Alexandru Rafila, PhD, PSD candidate for the 2020 parliamentary elections, spoke in the “Synthesis of the day” about the changes he would make in health from the position of Minister of Health.

When asked by Mihai Gâdea what would make it different in the healthcare system, Prof. Dr. Alexandru Rafila replied:

There are three main elements on which we must act. The first is the functional structure of the Ministry of Health, which at this moment seems to me to act in a chaotic way.

It is not an obvious coordination of activities at the level of the Ministry of Health because there are three essential areas, public health, which deals with epidemiological investigations, with transmission stop tests, the health and logistics area because, All of these things work and need logistical support and human resources.

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These three areas must be coordinated by secretaries of state who know these areas, and the Minister of Health must have permanent meetings and discussions with the secretaries of state for current issues but also for a medium-term strategy at least. Obviously, this is not happening. There are only work visits to the territory. Things happen that I don’t understand, for example. “

He then gave an example where the Ministry of Health took a chaotic approach.

“In October of this year, on October 5 and 6, when the Minister of Health sent control teams to the whole country. There was a comparison at the level of the DSP and at the level of all hospitals, the more than 200 hospitals that treat to Covid-19 infected patients to see how it works, what the problems are, etc.

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The problem in Piatra Neamţ appeared in November. The problem in Resita appeared a few days ago, the problems in Sibiu did the same, they appeared a few days ago and I wonder, what was the role of these controls that made them go through the Ministry of Health if tragedies occurred. or incredible things happen like those of Hospital Resita and they become politicized. This actually proves that at the level of the Ministry of Health there is no coordination to intervene to solve the problems.

The second level in which Prof. Dr. Alexandru Rafila would introduce changes refers to public health

“I have always been reserved in terms of tests and I have said that we should test everything we need where it is necessary, an extended test where it is necessary. Cases and we are witnessing on the other hand a blockage of the activity in ATI and a very high number of deaths ”, Professor Dr. Alexandru Rafila also specified.

The third level in which Prof. Dr. Alexandru Rafila would introduce changes refers to health care.

“Health care at the county level must allow the treatment of infected patients and there must be coordination between the hospitals that treat patients at the county level so that there is a rebalancing of the number of patients, easy and quick access. . , we saw in Sibiu how patients wait two days in a kiosk to be hospitalized. It is inadmissible, ”said Prof. Dr. Alexandru Rafila.
