The Brotherhood of Generals Removing Netanyahu from Politics (On the Way to Jail?) | Iulian Chifu


All current effort is directed towards the removal of Benjamin Netanyahu from the leadership of the Israeli state in relation to their corruption cases, 4 in total entered the trial phase, and especially with his power clings. Collateral actions are aimed at the return or entry into politics of some iconic figures of the Likud party break vows – your case Gideon Saar, which has reached estimates of up to 22 seats in the Knesset (120 deputies), and a former Chief of Staff of the Army – IDF – Gadi Eisenkot. A true brotherhood of generals, with 4 chiefs of staff in parliament, at the top of the Israeli political parties.

Coalition relaunch: no Netanyahu or on budget

Israel is now ruled by Benjamin Netanyahu for a year and a half which will end in November and will be replaced by Benny Gantz, Chairman of the White-Blue Coalition, for a new term of a year and a half, according to the current coalition agreement. Grand Coalition Mesalliance between the main parties they entered Parliament fracturing the White-Blue coalition, who of the 33 seats in the Knesset, was left with 14 in power, losing two factions, Yesh Atid and Telem, when he came to power.

The biggest problem is Netanyahu’s existential need to retain the post of prime minister. This is done through two maneuvers, the most important being preventing Gantz from coming to power. How the electoral prospects of the party of the former Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army are marginal – 6-7 seats in the future Parliament – Netanyahu blocked the budget and even flirted with the anticipations himself. Now, however, former Israeli Army Chief of Staff Benny Gantz has marched on Netanyahu’s terms. voted with the opposition to open the new round of elections. This is not certain, with two more votes in two more readings in the Israeli unicameral parliament before it becomes law.

Gantz acceptance to the game of who blinks first and the breaking of Netanyahu’s limitations are based on two reasons: first forcing the adoption of the new budgethence of priorities and a solid foundation for its future governance and, in particular, Netanyahu’s Compulsion to Leave Government in November, at the end of your part of the term divided in two. However, today things are not clear. Otherwise Benny Gantz appears as a soldier willing to sacrifice himself and sacrificing his party and political perspective to remove Netanyahu from the leadership of the Israeli state: he made the alliance to to stop Netanyahu from taking over the Justice Ministry through a Likud man and block the possibility of voting a Immunity Laws for Netanyahu. Now Gantz resigns his prospects as prime minister remove the Executive Director from office after 12 years, through foresee or, better yet, after fulfillment of the agreement leading to Gantz as prime minister.

And the stars seem to sit favorably, because they either get what they want, or snap elections threaten to be detrimental to Netanyahu. Things got dramatic with Tuesday’s announcement and the successive resignation of Parliament and his Party Gideon Saar, his old neighborhood, incorporated into politics in 1999, former chief of staff to the prime minister, former minister of education and minister of the interior in successive governments. He retired from politics in 2014 and came back last year, also on the Likud charts, but was ignored when assigning ministers -although he was the fourth most notorious mayor of the party to establish the list, because he had run against Natanyahu when leading the party, being defeated by the prime minister by 72% last year, in Congress.

This time, Saar announced the formation of his own party, the New Hope, with which he intends to enter the general elections. He was quickly followed by other members of the Knesset. For the moment, the measure threatens the situation of Netanyahu and the break in the Likud can be fatal for any electoral perspective. In addition, the new situation opens opportunities for new arithmetic with situations that preclude Netanyahu’s ability to return to the leadership of the Israeli state after the next general election.


Early elections with Netanyahu without possibility

Saar’s statements are eloquent: Netanyahu must go, subordinated the Likud party to self-interest in escaping cases and convictions to maneuver as perpetuate himself as prime minister(He is the prime minister of the state of Israel with the longest service since its inception). Netanyahu has destroyed any prospect of managing the coronavirus-related health and economic crisis, made Likud a personal tool to survive in justice, says Saar.

With key issues in his relationship with Netanyahu, Saar announced that a change of leadership is needed in the state of Israel, for the necessary stability and unity that Netanyahu cannot provide, and that he is fighting to replace Netanyahu as prime minister. A better Israel awaits us and Netanyahu’s replacement is the order of the hour, not the day, are the pretensions of the former ally who is located further to the right, close to the ultra-Orthodox parties and in favor of the recognition of the annexation of the colonies in the West Bank. He announced the foreground of the best intellectual resources of public life and the fact that the new party will function only in the interest of the state.

Creation of the new political party threatens the majority of Netanyahu, but also the Likud score in the next elections, while the entry into force of Parliament predicts Expand the number of possibilities to form coalitions. and all without Likud. Indeed, following Tuesday’s announcement and resignations on Wednesday, December 9, traditional opinion polls, conducted by major Israeli newspapers and television channels, show why the new movement caused panic between the right and the Likud, in particular.

The Israeli parliament, the Knesset, has always been a space for confrontation and dialogue. In recent years, Netanyahu’s position in power for too long – otherwise an excellent negotiator – blocked a refinement of ally possibilities in a fragmented parliament anyway. Majority required for 61 votes of the 120 seats, and are reached by complicated coalitions. Until recently, the prime minister’s party, The Likud, had at its disposal the ultra-Orthodox right-wing parties to get the most out of it. But things changed over time when former Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman, chairman of the Yisrael Beytenu party, chose the path of secularism and rejected the alliance with ultra-Orthodox parties.

The arrival Benny Gantz’s blue-white party in the political market, three years ago, it caused another earthquake, but after two rounds of early elections, it was agreed the formula of the Grand Coalition with its rival. In fact, new parties, mergers and splits are common in Israel as a solution for the majority, and the blockade of the Knesset and the current mandate of the alliance space advertised for a new party. But this time the division is Netanyahu’s Likud Party. As the Arab Party is represented in the Knesset, United Arab List with 11 votes, the prospect of realizing most of the existing political structures is even more complicated today.

Now the new party, the new hope, strongly disturbs the waters again: Saar appears in 15-18 places in the Knesset, with the prospect of climbing to 22 seats, while Netanyahu Coalition, consisting of Likud, Yamina, Shas and United Torah Judaism no longer reach the 61 mandates in any form, but at most 57, with a Likud fell from 36 to 25 seats. In this perspective, Netanyahu loses the support of religious parties if they are offered an acceptable option to govern, and Yamina to Naftali Bennett arrives, with its 17 seats, in the position to migrate to the new government, if any an agreement on the future prime ministerand leader Yamina with aspirations similar to Saar’s.

Israeli Parliament PHOTO EPA-EFE

Electoral arithmetic in the parliament of generals

Basically, the very accurate parliamentary arithmetic from current polls shows that Netanyahu has no better chance than with his enemies that rejects it flat and that Saar has multiple on hand Alliance variants without Likud: New Hope, along with Yamina and the White Blue coalition, Yisrael Beytenu and Atid – Telem do between 61 and 63 seats, in the right-center-right variant, without the ultra-Orthodox parties. On the other hand, with the ultra-orthodox bloc and Yamina – a party that still considers itself in the Netanyahu bloc but has been in opposition for the past 6 months criticizing the response to the pandemic – the prospect of a coalition is equally likely.

Yes Benny Gantz shares were considered suicidal, determined by the desire to stop Netanyahu from escaping justice And to remove him from the government that he has held uninterruptedly for 12 years, now a new surprise is looming in the political market: former Israeli Army Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot, is announced on the eve of a decision to enter politics, in addition, to join Gideon Saar, who already raises his electoral perspective in the polls to 22 seats, to the detriment of Likud, which would be reduced to 26.

It must be said that Israel has a tradition of welcoming retired generals among politicians. In the sixties, seventies, and eighties, it was a natural step to enter politics after leading the Israeli army. Generals were national heroes in this time of war. and the public acclaimed and respected them. He’s on the list of former generals three prime ministers and two defense ministers – not including today’s Minister Benny Gantz: Yitzhak Rabin, Ariel Sharon and Ehud Barak as Prime Ministers and Rafael Eitan and Moshe Ya’alon as Defense Ministers.

Today, trust in the generals is no longer so important, but it remains constant. Benny Gantz threw a party that came first overnight, in the first elections he presented himself, and it was last year in a position to form the government. Furthermore, Gadi Eisenkot’s entry into the race equates to 4 the number of army chiefs in the Knesset, with Moshe Yaalon, Foreign Minister Gadi Ashkenazi and Defense Minister Benny Gantz. Are alone brotherhood of generals prepare to remove Benjamin Netanyahu from politics and send him to prison. If elected to the Knesset, Eisenkot will be the 14th former Israeli army chief elected to parliament.

Your situation is the biggest news and the most important discussion in the Israeli pressNot least because the former army chief did not comment on the press releases. It is considered that He has many more political qualities than many other army chiefs.. It has gained popularity and the prospects of the new party betray the guarantees presented to the general for to join Saar’s New Hope. Eisenkot has also been contacted by other Israeli politicians who were trying to incorporate him into their own parties. This is especially true of Moshe Yaalon and his party parted ways with the White-Blue Coalition, a right-wing liberal who wants him in his new construction. What you choose, Eisenkot is an even bigger threat to Netanyahu and for his prospects of remaining prime minister.
